Venus Enters Capricorn and Prepares To Turn Retrograde

“Love is STILL the answer.” a bumper sticker in VT.

“Everything wants to be loved…You ever notice that trees do everything to get attention we do, except walk?”Alice Walker

Venus, the goddess of love and beauty enters the earthy sign of Capricorn today. Venus will have a long foray in this sign as she moves up to 26 degrees of Capricorn on December 18 when she will station retrograde. Venus will then backtrack to 11 degrees of Capricorn and station direct on January 28, 2022.

Venus in Capricorn reminds me of the Tarot Card the Nine of Pentacles. In A.E. Waite’s deck this card portrays a woman standing in her garden which is flourishing. There are grapes growing behind her signifying abundance. This is a card of well- being and being connected to the pleasures of earthly life in a balanced way. A hawk is resting on her arm indicating she has tamed forces within herself which could disrupt her tranquility. It is a card of peace and  contentment.

Venus in Capricorn is a lover of tradition and of the past.  Because Venus rules affairs of the heart and love in general, the retrograde period can provide a good time to assess these matters in your own life – how would you like to grow  in this realm, for example, or do you have appropriate boundaries in place to make relationships thrive? This applies to the work space as well as the personal.

It’s also a good time to review financial matters and a time when finances can grow.

If you have been waiting for things to manifest, January looks promising for that.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”The human soul, in its eagerness for new experiences, seeks embodiment.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


“In that open field
If you do not come too close, if you do not come too close,
On a summer midnight, you can hear the music
Of the weak pipe and the little drum
And see them dancing around the bonfire
The association of man and woman…
Round and round the fire
Leaping through the flames, or joined in circles,
Rustically solemn or in rustic laughter
Lifting heavy feet in clumsy shoes,
Earth feet, loam feet, lifted in country mirth
Mirth of those long since under earth.” TS Eliot

“God is alive and magic is afoot.” Leonard Cohen

Samhain, the ancient Celtic holiday,  which falls at the midpoint between the Autumn Equinox  and the Winter Solstice is on November 7. Significant things can happen on these cross quarter days – it’s wise to heighten awareness for information that surfaces at this time.

The veils are thin between now and November 7. It is a good time to honor and celebrate the ancestors.

It’s also a good time for intention setting  with the New Moon in Scorpio kicking off a mystical time-frame.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”The silvery moon shining across a beautiful gem of a lake.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Mars Joins the Sun in Scorpio and Thursday’s New Moon

“Every beginning
is only a sequel after all,
and the book of events
is always open halfway through.” Wislawa Szymborska

“Do you think that the grass is growing so wild and thick
for its own life?
Do you think the cutting is the ending, and not also
a beginning?
This is the world.” Mary Oliver

November’s New Moon is on Thursday Nov 4 EDT. This New Moon in Scorpio, the sign of transformation, provides a good time to “shed the old skin,” and to invite new ways of being  and living into our lives.  It’s an excellent time to set intentions about improving health and well being. Given the penetrating nature of Scorpio, it provides good timing to ascertain what your personal needs are on a deep level now.

The Sun and Moon oppose Uranus at this time indicating  a lunar cycle (through Dec 4) that is  likely to include some surprises and unexpected events . The influence of Uranus indicates a good time to assess personal needs for freedom and independence. It bodes well  to take extra time with decision making as this combination of planets tends towards the impulsive and erratic. There can be surprising outcomes.

Mars is now in Scorpio and both Mars and the Sun are forming a T-square with the Saturn /Uranus square. This indicates a time of hard work – Mars and Saturn in square aspect are sometimes described as driving with the gas and the brakes on. It can also be a time which can be more accident prone as actions can be more impulsive and erratic with the Uranus influence. In negotiations, agreement may be harder reach. This aspect will be in play through the middle of the month. Patience, kindness and respect for the opinions of others will go a long way under this influence.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”The ocean covered in white caps.”




Venus Dances with Neptune and Jupiter

“And it was at that age … Poetry arrived
in search of me. I don’t know, I don’t know where
it came from, from winter or a river…
I did not know what to say, my mouth
had no way
with names,
my eyes were blind,
and something started in my soul,
fever or forgotten wings,
and I made my own way,
that fire.” Pablo Neruda

The time. Redeem
The unread vision in the higher dream
While jeweled unicorns draw by the gilded hearse.”TS Eliot

This week Venus, the goddess of love and beauty will be aligning with both  Jupiter and Neptune. This lightens things considerably from the heavier, more challenging aspects of last week.

In the early part of this week, Venus in Sagittarius will be aligning with  Neptune, the planet of dreams. This is an excellent time for creative work as well as spiritual growth. What are your creative aspirations ? This is a good time to muse about them and experiment in the creative realms. Let the pragmatics come later.

In Vedic astrology both  Jupiter and Venus are considered benefics – planets that bring good  fortune. When they are aligned favorably, as they are  throughout this week, this influence brings pleasure, optimism and a sense of abundance. It brings a time when there is more openness to kindness and generosity. This can also add confidence to moving forward with relationships and financial matters. Best to keep pragmatics in the mix in these areas with the influence of Neptune.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A bluebird, a sign of good luck and happiness, is standing at the door of a house.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill




Wednesday’s Full Moon in Aries

“I saw you standing with the wind and the rain in your face.
And you were thinking ’bout the wisdom of the leaves and their grace.
When the leaves come falling down
In September when the leaves come falling down.” Van Morrison

“They’re both convinced
That a sudden passion joined them.
Such certainty is beautiful,
but uncertainty is more beautiful still.” Wislawa Szymborska

There’s a powerful Full Moon  Wednesday October 20 at  10:57 AM EDT at 27 degrees of Aries. It’s wise to create an outlet for the considerable amount of energy  at this time. Best to keep active physically and  work on projects .It bodes well too to keep optimism in mind and avoid conflict which may be easier to get drawn into with these influences.

Just a note that Venus in Sagittarius is now out of bounds through  December 8. Venus is out of bounds once or twice a year. During this time there can be a lessening of normal restraint around attractions and people can tend to act more impulsively in this area. If you are drawn to someone during  this time (October 11 – December 8)  who doesn’t fit your normal frame of thinking,  it might be wise to delay making any decision about it until late December or early January.

It is a good time to think about how to bring more beauty into your life and act on it.

Check your chart to check which house has Sagittarius on the cusp. It is wise throughout this time to keep moderation in mind in this area of life as well.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”An old owl perched high up in a tree.”

Mercury and Jupiter Station Direct

“The problem with the world is that we draw our family circle too small.” Mother Theresa

“Spiritual practice is really about weaving a network of good relationships.” Dhyani  Ywahoo

“And indeed there will be time
Time for you and time for me,
And time yet for a hundred indecisions,
And for a hundred visions and revisions
Before the taking of a toast and tea.” TS Eliot

Monday’s astrology draws an end to the retrograde travels of both Mercury and Jupiter as Mercury stations direct at 10 degrees of Libra and Jupiter at 22 degrees of Aquarius.

The retrograde travels of Mercury this time concerned relationships  of all kinds – how we relate to others, what we prioritize in friendship and partnership and what our personal aspirations are in this area. Retrogrades offer a good time for visions and revisions and it’s wise for the next few days to heed any information which represents a culmination of information.

The Jupiter station in Aquarius is a reminder of out interconnectedness with the natural world and the global community of which we are a part. It’s wise to keep a a healthy, sustainable future for the planet in mind along with your personal aspirations.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A canoe is approaching safety through dangerous waters.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Planetary Stations and Things Moving Forward

“The act of perception is always open-ended and unfinished.” David Abrams

“Out at sea the dawn wind
Wrinkles and slides. I am here
Or there, or elsewhere. In my beginning.” TS Eliot

Saturn stationed direct Monday October 10 and started forward motion on Monday. Saturn governs gravity and is associated with being held down or held back. Often when Saturn is retrograde, as it has been since May 23, it can feel as if little progress or forward movement can be made. But Saturn also is the ruler of time and often with more time, different decisions – or more complete decisions can be made. It’s wise for the next few days or so to make note of any new perceptions that may arise as significant information can come to the surface. Also with Mercury retrograde it may be time for a revision in thinking.

There are other planets preparing to station direct as well- on October 18 Mercury and Jupiter will both station direct. Pluto stationed on October 6. It is a somewhat rare occurrence to have so many planets stationing direct in a short time frame – and this represents a powerful time for a change in terms of perspectives and priorities. It’s likely to feel like a freer, more optimistic time where different options and opportunities present themselves.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A council of ancestors has been called to guide a woman.”

Venus Dances with the South Node

“should I greet you
as if
we had merely eaten
together one night
when the white birches
dripped wet
and lightning etched
black trees on your walls?” Mary Mackey

Venus is in Sagittarius now moving up to a conjunction with the South Node. Under this influence old friends and lovers may reappear. It is also a good time to  reach out and connect with friends of the past.



Wednesday’s New Moon and Another Busy Week in the Starry Heavens

“Revelation is a window on the journey of the soul.” F. Aster Barnwell

“The universe is evolving towards an even greater destiny and we are the means of this global transformation.” Pir Vilayar Inayat Khan

It’s wise this week with two planets – Pluto and Saturn – both stationing direct – to heed any information which surfaces which speaks of a culmination of information. Revelation and breakthroughs are possible if you raise awareness and are open to the process.

We are living in times of rapid evolution – and the push back and challenges presented by that process. The time around planetary stations  provides a good time for assessing personal growth and evolution. I read recently that the kind of evolution that used to take place in three generations is now taking place in one.

Retrograde Mercury is making a challenging alignment with Neptune – the planet of dreams, visions and illusions- at the beginning of the week.  This aspect bodes well for the imagination as well as creative and spiritual work. It’s wise however to watch for idealizing people and situations.

There is a very feisty New Moon  at 13′ Libra on Wednesday at 7:05 AM EDT.  At this time the Sun, Moon and Mars- all in Libra- form a challenging alignment with Uranus, the planet of the unexpected and oppose Chiron, the asteroid of the Wounded Healer. This new Lunar Cycle- for the next thirty days or so -is all about relationships and  how power is used or misused in them. It presents a good time to think about how we would like to handle relationships and if improvements can be made.

One of the fault lines of Libra is that it can have a “peace at any price” tendency which can sometimes be overly accommodating to the wishes of others, causing unexpressed resentment and anger. And as Isabel Hickey once noted, although throughout history it was  often Libras who negotiated peace agreements, it was  also often Libras who started the wars.

This New Moon is more powerful given that Pluto – the Lord of the Underworld and Transformation – stations direct the same day  at 2:29 PM at 24′ of Capricorn. Volatility is in the air all week long and it can be a more accident prone time  – so it’s wise to use extra caution when driving and moving about.

Saturn stations direct on Sunday at 6 degrees of Aquarius. This about consciousness – both personal and global – and the responsibility we take for building the future we envision. It’s a good time to assess whether is there more room for kindness, empathy, cooperation and collaboration moving forward.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”After the storms of winter, a boat landing stands in need of construction.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda hill



Hello Mercury Retrograde! With Pluto and Jupiter

“Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?” T. S. Eliot
“Everything that exists is an expression of relationships, alliances, and balances of energies, powers and spirits.” J. David Peat

The Trickster god, Mercury stations retrograde Monday  September 27 and his retrograde travels will last through mid- October. It is a good time frame to pause and take time for reflection and review and to create a space for renewal. This is a relationship retrograde – governing our relationships to ourselves, to others and to the world.

It’s a good time to assess where more balance and equilibrium might be needed needed in relationships and communication.
At the time of the retrograde, Mercury at 25 degrees of Libra will be in a tense aspect with Pluto indicating a good time to reconsider the power of our thoughts and our speech- including the stories we tell ourselves.  And if there’s room for more understanding, clarity and kindness.
Jupiter will be a strong presence at this time pointing to a hidden silver lining and to the ability to access more wisdom.
And as with all Mercury retrograde time frames, it’s wise to handle communications more carefully – communications of all kinds – not only in speech but in texts, emails, phone messages etc as  snafus (the text accidentally sent to the wrong person, the voice mail accidentally deleted)  and misunderstandings may more easily occur. In myths and fairy tales the Trickster god is known as the person who- on occaision -retrieves important information and solves a dilemma. But more often he’s known for  intercepting messages so they are not received or they are received but with the wrong information.
One of the Sabian symbols for this time is, “An ancient pottery bowl filled with fresh violets.”
Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill