Venus Stations Retrograde

“A self is not something static, tied up in a parcel, finished and complete. A self is always becoming. Being means becoming. But when we run so fast, it is only when we seem to stop- as sitting on a rock at the brook- that we are aware of our own isness, of being.” Madeleine Engel

“Tell me everything you love.” The English Patient

Venus is slowing down in the sky now preparing for her retrograde station on October 5 at  10 degrees of Scorpio. Venus will dip back into late Libra on Halloween and station direct in mid- November.

This time period provides good timing to reflect on and reconsider what creates a sense of joy, contentment and connectedness in your life. It’s a good time to review how you relate to others and what you value in relationship and partnership.

It’s a good time to look at patterns of behavior created and perpetuated in relationship over time and to think about what draws you feeling- wise into friendship and partnership. What are the lines of commonality and connection? These things are bound to change over time but especially in our time when the trajectory of personal evolution is on the fast track.

It also bodes well to consider issues of self respect and self esteem under this influence and how your relationships impact on that area of your life. The sign of Scorpio can get to the bottom of things with an uncanny perception.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A fellowship supper reunites old comrades.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


This Week’s Astrology – Pluto, Venus and Michelmas

“To go into the dark with a light is to know the light.
To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,
And find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,
And is traveled by dark feet and dark wings.” Wendell Berry

The tiny purple Michaelmas daisies- named for the Feast of St Michael or Michaelmas-  are blooming now in New England. For centuries the festival of Michaelmas has been celebrated at this time of year – on or near the Autumn Equinox – when the forces of light and darkness are in balance. Often a play is enacted at the festivals – a play depicting the peasant, George, defeating a dragon with the help of the  Archangel Michael and a band of angels. The taming of the dragon symbolizes the facing and taming of fears -both inner and outer-  by summoning courage.

With the waning of the Fall’s light, Michaelmas is a reminder to rekindle the inner fires of inspiration.

This week contains some very potent astrology. Pluto, the planet of transformation will station direct on Monday and Venus in Scorpio will station retrograde on Friday.  Both of these placements have the ability to penetrate below the normal level of perception with laser like accuracy and bring to the surface information which has been hidden.

It bodes well to heed information that surfaces – through dreams, intuitions or everyday life occurrences which leads to more clarity about issues of the past and leads to a deeper understanding of self worth and self esteem.

One of the Sabian symbols for Pluto’s station is, “A hidden choir singing during a religious service.”

Sabian symbol reference from Lynda Hill


Monday’s Full Moon in Aries

“Until one is committed there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness, concerning all acts and initiative. The moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too.” Goethe

Saturn, the planet of rules, boundaries, tradition and discipline is  highlighted at the time of September’s Full Moon, Monday 9/24 at 10:52 PM EDT  at 2 degrees of the fiery sign, Aries.

With Saturn’s influence this Full Moon can be a time when limitation is felt more strongly and progress may feel blocked or hindered. If so it is wise to slow down, be patient and clarify commitments going forward.

Saturn continues to  align favorably with Uranus- the planet of the future. This aspect bodes well for innovation in thinking. Leave the door open for thinking of old challenges in new ways. Reframe ideas that seem to have outworn their usefulness.  Its best with Saturn’s stabilizing presence to build a bridge from the old or traditional to the new, rather than making a leap.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is , “A white triangle is seen. It has golden wings.”

This Weeks Astrology – Testy Times with the Mars Uranus Square

“We must create an environment in which change enlivens and enriches the individual and does not overwhelm her.”  Alvin Toffler

“Vesta gathers energy and brings it to a single point, thereby bringing clarity and illumination. Astrologically, individuals with strong Vestas possess the ability to concentrate their energies to a point of focus and bring their full attention to whatever they are doing.” Demetra George 

This week’s astrology is highlighted by the exact square of Mars to Uranus which has been an ongoing theme this year. There can be a strong desire to break free of restrictions under this influence. It has a strong willed, rebellious nature.

It is wise to avoid impulsive actions now and to watch for them on the part of others. It can be more of an accident prone time.

It is a good time to look to areas of your life where you have wanted to make changes for some time – areas of life where there tends to be background noise about  taking  action to move things in a better direction. With Vesta now in Capricorn conjunct Saturn, it’s wise to make a list of steps to take to do this – simple steps that you commit to over time. Vesta is associated with the eternal flame and it is wise as well to commit to keeping an inspired vision as you go forward.

One of the Sabian symbols for the Mars/Uranus square is.”Natural steps to a lawn blooming with clover.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Venus Opposite Uranus and Venus Prepares to Station Retrograde

“During  a long retreat I had what seemed to me to be an earth shattering revelation – that we cannot be in the present and run our story lines at the same time! Impermanence becomes vivid in the present moment; so do compassion and wonder and courage.” Pema Chodren

“Life is a spell so exquisite that everything tries to break it.” Emily Dickinson

Venus is now opposite Uranus and slowing down in the sky in preparation for the Venus Retrograde of 2018. Uranus is the planet of the unexpected and under this influence there can be surprising and sudden events. When it’s  in an opposition to Venus, these events can be related to love, relationship  and to pleasure and abundance. There can be sudden twists and turns of events and plans. Uranus is a freedom loving planet and there can be a desire for more freedom or a sudden break for freedom under this influence.

I was recently reading Broken Open, a book by Elizabeth Lesser, in  which  she describes a love affair she had with a man she calls her “Shaman Lover.”  The experience she describes  is very much the kind of thing that would occur under a Venus/Uranus aspect.

She describes encountering this kind of person this way, “Sometimes the Shaman Lover has been sent by fate to blast us open, to awaken the dead parts of our body, to deliver the kiss of life. And if we succumb we are changed forever.”

There is always an erratic nature to Venus/Uranus relationships and often they come into a person’s  life as an awakening of some kind. Often they do not last, but their impact can be very freeing and life changing.

Traditionally in astrology it is thought that it does not bode well to start a new relationship during a Venus Retrograde time frame. This year Venus  will station retrograde at 15 degrees  of Scorpio on October 5  and retrograde back to 25 degrees of Libra on November 16. The surprising Venus/Uranus influence will be with us through early December due to the retrograde period.

It bodes well under the influence of a Venus Retrograde period  to reconsider your values and what you value.  It’s a good time to revisit what qualities you like in yourself and others and revisit relationship issues. It’s a good time to re-evaluate issues of self esteem and how you attract and create abundance in your life.

One of the Sabian symbols for the Uranus/Venus opposition is,” An electrical storm illuminates the heavens and the forests.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Sunday’s New Moon in Virgo

“Mystical vision is seeing how extraordinary the ordinary is.” James P. Carse

The Moon waxes new on Sunday at 17 degrees of Virgo at 2:01 PM EDT. This is a good time to sidestep habitual ways of thinking about “the way things have to be” to get in closer touch with your  soul’s yearnings. It is a good time to be in touch with creativity and inspiration.
With the Sun and Moon opposing the planet of dreams and visions, it bodes well to be open to intuition about the journey forward. With Pluto and Jupiter in harmonious alignment  now a deepening of philosophical or spiritual beliefs is indicated as well as a more practical application of spiritual beliefs.
It bodes well to avoid the pull of addictive tendencies at this time.
The fractious Venus/Mars/Uranus t-square * continues this week indicating  increased downtime for the integration of events will be beneficial.

The  Sabian symbol for this New Moon is ,”Two girls playing with a ouija board.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

*Throughout the month of September surprises are on the table as the cosmic lovers – Mars and Venus – form a challenging aspect- not only to each other-  but to the planet of the unexpected, Uranus. There can be surprising relationship and partnership developments under this influence –  new alliances, love at first sight occurrences and challenges to relationships in general. It’s best to enter this time with patience and moderation in mind.

Saturn Stations Direct and Venus, Mars and Uranus Align

“There is no greater puzzle than the mystery of why people are attracted to or repelled by each other and we often seek simple answers to questions which require a stretching of the soul to even formulate properly.” Liz Greene 

“It became clear to me that no matter what we do in science or in any other area, it will not help if we don’t find a way to be related to each other at a deep level.” David Bohm

Throughout the month of September surprises are on the table as the cosmic lovers – Mars and Venus – form a challenging aspect- not only to each other-  but to the planet of the unexpected, Uranus. There can be surprising relationship and partnership developments under this influence –  new alliances, love at first sight occurrences and challenges to relationships in general. It’s best to enter this time with patience and moderation in mind.

Uranus is the planet of the future and it has an erratic nature to it. It is wise under this influence to provide more downtime to process events and to nourish the nervous system.

Saturn stations direct this week – a good time for the roll out of plans and to commit or recommit to the required perseverance and discipline.

The Sabian symbol for the Saturn station Thursday at 2 degrees of Capricorn is,” The human soul in its eagerness for new experiences seeks embodiment.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Preview of September’s New Moon in Virgo

” To serve others is to give of oneself with no personal gain or reward. The energy of service is the remedy for problems of darkness and barriers to our evolution. Service is the only energy that can generate enough continued light and fire to combat the darkness.” Mary E. Carreiro

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Gandhi

It always bodes well to prepare for a New Moon by clarifying your intentions in advance.  At the time of  upcoming New Moon in Virgo on September 9th, the Sun and the Moon will be opposed to Neptune. Neptune is the planet of dreams and wishes for how things could be. Neptune is the ruler of the sign Pisces and the Pisces /Virgo axis in Astrology is considered the axis of service or being of service to others and the world.

Given the somewhat tumultuous times we are living in – times when great change is afoot – is it wise to consider what you do or would like to do- that helps nudge things along in a more positive direction and helps bring more light and love into the world. As Caroline Myss has written,” Everything we do counts. There is really no such thing as a small act of  service or goodness.”

One of the Sabian symbols for this New Moon is, “A volcanic eruption bringing dust cloud, flowing lava, earth rumblings.”

Sabian symbol reference from Lynda Hill

Mars Stations Direct

“Mars represents our ability to define ourselves through our own volition.” Eric Francis 

“A single moment can retroactively flood an entire life with meaning.” Victor E. Frankl

Mars stations direct at 10:05 AM Monday 8/27 at 29 degrees of Capricorn. The Sabian symbol for this degree is, “A woman reading tea leaves.” This is an indication to look to the underlying or deeper meaning of events.

Mars has been retrograde for two months and it bodes well now to look to events that occurred  during this period and discern how they are connected to the deeper meaning of your life or how they help you see the way forward with more clarity.

The 29th degree is considered to be the “fated degree” meaning it has particular significance. Although there continues to be the tendency to act impulsively now, it’s wise to proceed seriously and with a well thought out plan for any future endeavors.

Sunday’s Full Moon in Pisces and the Sun in Virgo

“The more accelerated our life becomes, the more we have to learn to select only the essential, to create our own repose and meditation island within an uncluttered mental space.” Anais Nin

“I believe deeply that we must find, all of us together, a new spirituality.” Dalai Lama

The Sun is now in the sign of Virgo –  the sign of discrimination. This sign governs the process of digestion  in the body as well as the process of taking in and assimilating  information.

It is a good time to slow down, take a few breaths and –  if necessary -create some space to assimilate experiences or information  which have surfaced recently.

The Moon waxes full at 3 degrees Pisces on Sunday at 7:56 AM EDT. There is a kite formation at this time which includes a grand earth trine with the Sun, Saturn and Uranus. This aspect is a like building a bridge to the future by taking what is valuable  from the past and combining it with innovation going forward. The kite formation indicates that there is pragmatic support to draw on for future endeavors. Best to take a creative approach and research options broadly.
The Full Moon in Pisces indicates a good time to seek spiritual solutions to questions.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A petrified forest, an eternal record of a life lived long ago.”