Mercury and the Future

“I have heard the mermaids singing each to each
I do not think they will sing to me
I have seen them riding seaward on the waves
Combing the white hair of the waves blown back
When the wind blows the water white and black.
We have lingered in the chambers of the sea
By sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown
‘Til human voices wake us and we drown.” TS Eliot


I recently returned from a short trip to the Dominican Republic. Due to the snafu potential with travel and communications during the current Mercury retrograde period, I had scheduled  my flight out of the local airport . This involved – both on the way down and the way back – making connections elsewhere. For logistical reasons (short layovers/ going through customs/time constraints in DR ) I carried my bag on board. My bag was bulky and heavy, though and i wan’t confident about getting it in or out of the overhead bin safely. So when I would get on the plane I would look around for a kind soul who might do it for me ( the flight crew is not allowed to do it.)

I figured on the way back I would check the bag and avoid the hassell entirely but due to some Mercury retrograde snafus I ended up carrying it on  both returning flights.
I was tired of this process by my final flight back and just decided to invoke help from the universe to take care of getting the bag on and off the plane with no hassell to me at all. When i arrived at the boarding gate there was an announcement that there was limited cargo space on the plane and that anyone with a carry on bag needed to leave it at the gate for valet service – they would carry it on the plane and stow it away without my having to be involved. Upon landing I would pick it up right at the gate – no need to go to the baggage claim.
It was the second bag off the plane. This was especially good news because we had landed in a northeaster and it was supposed to start icing up a short time after my arrival – shortly after  our drive home.
With this particular Mercury retrograde it is a good idea to remember that when imagining the future you would like to see,  it is good to have a strong intention as well as faith in its becoming a reality at the foundation of your thinking. You do not need to know all the the details of how.
The Sabian symbol for Saturday’s First Quarter Moon is, “A mountain pilgrimage” and the interpretation by Marc Edmund Jones is ” “unquestioned devotion to the worth-while task at hand,” and says it calls for “”intensification of every vision to which intelligence might aspire.”
Cosmic energies support a strong determination to carry through and to persevere despite challenges along the path – to not give up but to keep on carrying on.
As with the Kings and Queens of old, an Astrologer or Tarot Card Reader should be a trusted ally on your life’s path.
 Reach Amelia at 603 654 1043,, and Her readings start at $30 and are available by phone, email, skype and in person in Wilton, NH.

New Moon in Capricorn

“Use this new moon to clarify your priorities and goals. Love and respect your body’s needs. Listen to the yearnings of your soul.” Stephanie Austin
The New Moon at 19 Capricorn is at 8:30 pm EST Saturday January 9th. The sign of Capricorn governs mastery over the laws of the material plane. This Mercury retrograde period is a good time to rethink how your thoughts and beliefs are related to what you are trying to create in the world. Do you believe on a deep level that you can do it? Do you support yourself through moments of doubt and fear? Is there an undermining lack of clarity in your vision?
Much of the activity we are seeing in the outer world around us has a dismantling quality to it – the old ways are being dismantled to make way for the new – not an easy, comfortable or one step process. This dismantling influence is present in your inner world as well and with Uranus involved taking an innovative approach to what is possible is indicated. We all have seen how dramatically the world has changed with the advent of cyber technologies –  an area ruled by revolutionary, innovative and futuristic Uranus.
Venus is now making a benefical aspect to Uranus as she moves up to an exact trine in fire on January 12. The Sun is making a good aspect to Jupiter as well – making this a time when more guidance and vision is available about the way forward.
With Jupiter’s transit near the North Node it is a good time to let go of the pain of the path to open a more expansive path forward.
One of the Sabian symbols for the New Moon is, “The king of the fairies approaching his domain.”
As with the Kings and Queens of old, an Astrologer or Tarot Card Reader should be a trusted ally on your life’s path.
 Reach Amelia at 603 654 1043,, and Her readings start at $30 and are available by phone, email, skype and in person in Wilton, NH. Sabian symbol quote from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom.

Notes on the Week Ahead

” A pile of rocks ceases to be a pile of rocks when someone contemplates it with the idea of a cathedral in mind.’ Antoine de Saint- Exupery
There is significant planetary activity in the upcoming week as Mars ingresses into Scorpio, Mercury stations retrograde, Jupiter stations retrograde and the Sun moves up to a conjunction with Pluto and squares Uranus.
Mercury will station on the 5th at 0 degrees of Aquarius and will retrograde back into Capricorn within a few days. The station in Aquarius makes it a good time to reconnect with old friends and collaborators. When it moves back into Capricorn (the 9th – the 25th)  it bodes well to review business and financial matters and plans. Tie up loose ends and finish tasks left undone.
Jupiter will station retrograde at 23 Virgo and will remain retrograde through the 9th of May. Use this time frame to review initiatives in health and daily routine and see if improvements can be made. See if it is possible to increase efficiency. If there is any work of a service nature that you have been considering this would provide a good time to reconsider or move forward with it.
It’s best during the upcoming week to keep focused on where you are heading in your own life and to not engage in conflict. There can be surprising events and more of a tendency for disagreements or misunderstandings  to occur suddenly. Make an extra effort to be clear in communication and do double check that any messages were received before assuming anything.
Providing extra down time will be beneficial.
As with the Kings and Queens of old, an Astrologer or Tarot Card Reader should be a trusted ally on your life’s path.

 Reach Amelia at 603 654 1043,, and Her readings start at $30 and are available by phone, email, skype and in person in Wilton, NH.

Mercury Stations Retrograde

“Revelation: a window on the journey of the soul.” F Aster Barnwell
Mercury will station retrograde on January 5 at 1 degree of Aquarius. Mercury is moving up to a square with Mars now and will be exact on the day of the station – with Mars at 1 degree of Scorpio.
With the Mercury Mars square is in effect now it is  a good time for the next week or so –  to think things through before speaking or taking action. Avoid impulsive behavior as things can escalate into a dispute more easily and quickly.
The Mercury retrograde period will last through January 26 when it will station direct at 14 degrees of Capricorn.
The Sabian symbol for the Mercury station on the 5th is, ” An expected thunderstorm.” With the Uranus/Pluto square still very much in effect, it has been and continues to be a time when breakthroughs and revelations are likely if you are open. The revolutionary changes occurring in the outer world are present in out inner lives as well. The Sabian symbol for the degree of Mars at the time of the retrograde station is, “A broken bottle and spilled perfume.” It is a good time to sort through dreams gone awry and see if it is a good idea to give them a new form.
In general Mercury retrogrades provide a good time of respite to revisit, review and rethink. Mercury rules communications and it is not surprising during these time frames if there are snafus with communications and the tools of communication so do double check before assuming if something seems awry. It bodes well to have extra patience when traveling as delays can occur.
As with the Kings and Queens of old, an Astrologer or Tarot Card Reader should be a trusted ally on your life’s path.
 Reach Amelia at 603 654 1043,, and Her readings start at $30 and are available by phone, email, skype and in person in Wilton, NH.  Sabian symbol quote from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom. Barnwell quote from Divine Sparks by Karen Speerstra.

Notes on the Week Ahead

“The act of perception is always open- ended and unfinished.” David Abram
There is a lot of planetary activity heading into this week – the Winter Solstice on Monday at 11:49 PM EST as well as the Full Moon and Uranus station on December 25.
Surprises and unexpected events are likely this week – do take more care when traveling and moving about.
Mercury and Pluto continue their conjunction. This offers the opportunity to deepen your thinking below the habitual level of perception. It brings the opportunity to get to the bottom of things and transform limited views.
Jupiter the planet of wisdom, pleasure and abundance is strong in the sky this week – making beneficent aspects to Mercury and Venus. In conjunction with the Full Moon in Cancer on Christmas Day this brings the opportunity for increased pleasure, happiness and abundance in family gatherings. Do steer clear of the dark clouds.
Cancer governs the stomach and digestion and the planet Jupiter governs excess – so do bring moderation to the dinner table.
At the time of the Winter Solstice – Monday 12/21, the Sun moves from the sign of Sagittarius into Capricorn. Sagittarius governs broad visions and expanded horizons in both the inner and outer worlds. A shift in limited perspective can work wonders in this area. As the Sun moves into Capricorn it bodes well to lay the solid foundations for achieving new aspirations. One of the Sabian symbols associated with the Sun’s ingress into Capricorn is,” The human soul, in its eagerness for new experiences, seeks embodiment.”
As with the Kings and Queens of old, an Astrologer or Tarot Card Reader should be a trusted ally on your life’s path.

Friends – I have gift certificates available for the holidays. Tarot Readings start at $30. If you know someone who is interested in exploring this realm, a reading can be a thoughtful gift.
 Reach Amelia at 603 654 1043,, and Her readings start at $30 and are available by phone, email, skype and in person in Wilton, NH.  Sabian symbol quote from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom.

The Winter Solstice

“All thoughts begin in wonder.” Plato
In the chart for the Winter Solstice – said to foretell the energies of  the upcoming three months –  Pluto is conjunct Mercury and Pallas Athene and square Uranus.  Under this influence there is guidance available about how to implement change in your life by deepening or expanding the way you think. Pluto/Mercury aspects are powerful and can indicate resorting to compulsive thought patterns as a habit. But the key to unlocking the gifts of this aspect is to “get to the bottom of things” looking for the areas to where your thinking may have become too narrow, fragmented or limited.
Mercury in Capricorn is like the Emperor card in the Tarot deck. It speaks of maturity, organization, planning and good time management. The Emperor knows how to consolidate power. The next three months provide excellent timing to formulate and put into practice a pragmatic, well organized, long term strategy.
In the Solstice chart Jupiter makes beneficent aspects to the Moon, Mercury and Venus indicating a time that bodes well for increased wisdom, love and artistry. It bodes well to take a  more creative approach to  your projects and initiatives. Watch for intuitive guidance over the next three months that can come in unexpected flashes and provide significant breakthroughs.
We are living in times of great change and it is better to harness the transformative and evolutionary energies – personally and collectively – rather than put up resistance.
As with the Kings and Queens of old, an Astrologer or Tarot Card Reader should be a trusted ally on your life’s path.

Notes on the Week Ahead

“You are not the oil, you are not the air – merely the point of combustion, the flash point where the light is born.” Dag Hammarskjold
This week has several interesting aspects. As the Sun moves up to square the Lunar Nodes the time is right for making an important decision. There is extra support from the universe in identifying and moving beyond habitual patterns  – of a karmic or ancestral nature – that can impede your efforts to move in a desired direction.
There is a high vibration of inspiration and energy that can be accessed this week. With the Nodes in Pisces and Virgo it bodes well to create a pragmatic path to ground the vision.
This time of year is akin to Persephone’s journey through the underworld – walking through the darkness. Carl Jung wrote that the yearning for light is the yearning for consciousness.  It bodes well to keep the inner fires burning brightly as we head towards the Return of the Light – the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere- on December 21.
As with the Kings and Queens of old, an Astrologer or Tarot Card Reader should be a trusted ally on your life’s path.

Friends – I have gift certificates available for the holidays. Tarot Readings start at $30. If you know someone who is interested in exploring this realm, a reading can be a thoughtful gift.
Reach Amelia at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and are available by phone, email, skype and in person in Wilton, NH.


Venus Enters Scorpio

“I have been acquainted with the night.
I have walked out in rain – and back in rain.
I have out walked the furthest city light…
Proclaimed the time was neither wrong nor right
I have been acquainted with the night.” Robert Frost

Venus is in the sign of Scorpio now making this a time of increased darkness and the deeper mysteries. It is a good time to get in touch with what you feel passionate about in your life.

The sign of Scorpio and its ruler, Pluto are both associated with catharsis – the periodic need to acknowledge and process pain, disappointment and disillusionment in order to move forward in a clearer,  less encumbered direction.
One of the Sabian symbols associated with Venus’s ingress into Scorpio is, ” A bottle of spilled perfume,” a reference to disillusionment or dreams gone awry.
Scorpio is the sign of  death and rebirth and is a reminder that dreams can be born anew in a new form.
As with the Kings and Queens of old, an Astrologer or Tarot Card Reader should be a trusted ally on your life’s path.

Notes on the Week Ahead

“Power consists to a large extent in deciding what stories will be told.” Carolyn G. Heilbrun

As we head into next week’s New Moon on Friday planetary influences suggest it is a good time to get busy with projects and plans. A lot can be accomplished with a clear focus. Do watch for the tendency to overwork which may lead to becoming exhausted or accident prone.

Take extra care when traveling or moving about and be attentive to the possibility of impulsiveness on the part of others. it is a good week to heighten awareness about how you direct your personal power as breakthroughs or revelations can emerge about this area of life.
Mars is opposite Uranus at the time of the New Moon. This influence suggests that there may be surprising or unanticipated events which may be hard to integrate at the time.
 There is  also increased energy for a fresh new start.
Providing extra time for rest and rejuvenation will be beneficial for clarity and integration as nerves can be frayed and tempers on a short fuse.
One of the Sabian symbols for the New Moon is, “An empty hammock hangs between two lovely trees.”
Friends – I have gift certificates available for the holidays. I am reading a book called “Tales of Accidental Genius.” This title reminds me of a good Tarot or Astrology reading when an unexpected or surprising perception emerges opening the door to new opportunities.
Reach Amelia at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and are available by phone, email, skype and in person in Wilton, NH.   Sabian symbol quote from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom

Venus and Juno

“Maturity and energy in our work is not granted freely to human beings but must be adventured and discovered, cultivated and earned. It is the result of application, dedication, an indispensable sense of humor and above all a never-ending, courageous conversation with ourselves, those with whom we work and those whom we serve. It is a long journey; it calls on both the ardors of youth and the perspectives of a longer view. It is achieved through a lifelong pilgrimage.” David Whyte.
As Venus and and Juno form a favorable alignment this week and Jupiter moves closer to the North Node of destiny and life path, it bodes well to think about the commitments in your life – personal as well as professional – and how you would like to evolve those commitments into the future. Venus and Juno are in the partnership sign of Libra and so it is wise to consider how you would like to evolve the relationships involved and what you are willing to do to make that happen.