This weekend’s T-Square

“There is a crack in everything. That’s where the light gets in.” Leonard Cohen

This weekend provides a good time to review areas of life where you have a tendency to take strong positions. These beliefs or fixed assumptions may have been helpful in the past in getting through various challenges but now could be limiting growth or opportunities.
It is possible to become frustrated with the influence of T-square in the sky this weekend. Time would be better spent adjusting rigid views that may have outlived their usefulness over time.

Full Moon in Aquarius

“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

The Moon waxes full this Sunday at 18 degrees of Aquarius. This Full Moon period – extending two days before and two days after – is a good time to contemplate how you direct our personal power and how that interfaces with others that you collaborate/ interact with on your life’s path.

With the Sun and Mercury conjunct the asteroid of the Dark Moon and the asteroid of advocacy at 29 degrees of Virgo the time is right to consider what it is you are advocating for in your life on a deep level and how you might more effectively collaborate with others to make that happen. Information may be revealed about how to more effectively navigate this area of your life in a pragmatic way.
Saturn is square the Sun and Moon at this time as a reminder that commitment, perseverance and an ongoing discipline will lead to progress.
One of the Sabian symbols associated with this time is,”A large white dove bearing a message.”

Amelia Shea specializes in issues of family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career.She can be reached at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person. All times mentioned at EDT. All quotes from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom.

Planetary Activity

“There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. Everybody’s crew.” Marshall McLuhan

It is a time of increased astrological activity with many recent changes – among them Jupiter moving into Leo and squaring Mars. Watch for over doing and overindulging. There is a tendency to get caught up in rigid positions but a wise use of the energy is to stay in the present – don’t get too ahead of yourself- and exercise moderation in your thoughts and actions. Although it may easily feel like a time to overdo, energy will be better spent proceeding slowly and consciously keeping discipline, perseverance and the long term in mind.
There can be sudden or jarring experiences which cause feelings of scarcity to arise related to love, money and security. Regard this as a passing influence. Avoid impulsive actions.
One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”Neighbors help in a house raising party in a small village,” reminding us of the power of collaboration and cooperation and echoing the ongoing Pluto/Uranus aspect – which encourages us to think and act as a global community.

“When your intention is to transfer loving energy you can never fail…because in the subtle realms intention is action.” Leonard Laskow

Amelia Shea specializes in issues of family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career.She can be reached at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person. All times mentioned at EDT. Leonard Laskow quote from his book, Healing with Love, McLuhan and Sabian symbol quotes from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom.

New Moon in Leo

“Imagination is real because every perception of the world around us is absolutely colored by the narrative or image-filled lens through which we perceive. We are all poets and artists as we live our daily lives, whether we recognize this role and whether we believe it or not. Thomas Moore

Recently I was reading about a psychological study often referred to as the gorilla-on- the- basketball -court study. Psychologists asked a group of subjects to count the number of times the ball bounced during a basketball game. The subjects were Type A personalities – concerned with accuracy and completing their tasks with success.

During the course of the game a person dressed in a gorilla costume went out onto the court, wandered around a bit and then left. When the game was over the psychologists asked the subjects -“how many bounces did you count ?” And then they asked, “What did you think about the gorilla?”

This experiment has been performed many times and each time the participants responded, “What gorilla?”

One thing this study talks about is the power of focus and concentration. It is also about broad perception and the things – magical things – for example like synchronicities or surprising events that can cause a sudden shift in consciousness – that can be missed when the focus is too narrow.

This weekend with Saturday’s New Moon at 3 degrees of Leo is a good time to explore the myriad directions that you would like to pursue in your life – the kind of possibilities that you do not normally entertain while counting the bounces. Look at the way you have been navigating your life’s journey up to this point and acknowledge progress. Invite change to usher in a new cycle of opportunity that brings you closer to your dreams and life purpose. Reclaim courage.

A pragmatic map can be created at a more favorable time.

Why consult an astrologer? To make time to better explore your soul’s journey.

Chiron, Uranus and Pluto

“Sometimes the most important thresholds of mystery are places of silence. To be genuinely spiritual is to have great respect for the possibilities and presence of silence…When you listen with your soul you come into rhythm and unity with the music of the universe.” John O’Donohue

I have a favorite place to visit. It is a hidden pond up in the hills. When first there I settle in by the water’s edge and watch the busyness above and below the surface – the baby turtles sunning themselves on the rocks, the tadpoles darting about among the reeds in the dark murky water, the blue heron, staring into the depths in search of his dinner. I look for the beaver’s often invisible presence by tracking the trail of bubbles which arise in the wake of their underwater journeys. Sometimes at dawn or dusk the silence is broken by a loud crack of a beaver tail hitting the surface. Playful otters roll and cavort through the water there too. They enter and leave the pond through mysterious underground waterways.

One day as I sat by the pond I was startled by a question of a passerby which broke the silence. “I see you here often” she said. “Are you looking for something you lost in the water?” I shook my head no, and smiled.

But maybe I was. Chiron, the asteroid of the Wounded Healer is in the watery sign of Pisces and the woman’s question had touched on something I had not considered – how healing it can be to sit quietly by the pond’s edge, to wonder at its mystery and hidden life below the surface. And perhaps my time spent looking into the water was in search of something I had lost – a sense of the magical interconnectedness of all life which is so often overlooked in our busy, modern world.
We are at a powerful threshold astrologically this week. With clarity and intention personal evolutionary leaps are possible. It bodes well to visit a special place in nature and to do things that are healing and restore a sense of wholeness, Chiron’s gift.

Why consult an astrologer? Challenges are often best met with a broad and fresh perspective.

Amelia Shea specializes in issues of family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career.She can be reached at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person. All times mentioned at EDT. Quote from Anam Cara by John O’Donohue

Planetary Aspects this week

“Every beginning
is only a sequel, after all,
and the book of events
is always open halfway through.” Wislawa Szymborska

There is a lot of planetary activity this week. It bodes well to make an extra effort to remain calm and to reign in intense emotions. Be on the lookout for surprising events and occurrences that can lead to breakthroughs in perception. If there are delays or complications, look for opportunities and alternatives you might not have explored otherwise.

Take more care when driving and be more conscious in communication.

Uranus will station retrograde Monday, the Sun will enter Leo on Tuesday, Mars will enter Scorpio on Friday and there is a Saturn/Uranus quincunx in effect all week. Saturn holds on to the status quo – Uranus can be disruptive, surprising and unpredictable in pushing for progress and innovation. If you have been working for breakthroughs in areas where you feel blocked or stuck this is a good time for you with the New Moon on Saturday at 3 Leo.

One of the Sabian symbols for the Mars moving into Scorpio is, “A broken bottle and spilled perfume.” Do not linger long in disappointment or disillusionment – look for creative and innovative pathways out.

Why consult an astrologer? Timing is everything.

Amelia Shea specializes in issues of family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career.She can be reached at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person. All times mentioned at EDT. Sabian Symbol quotes from 360 Degrees of Wisdom by Lynda Hill, poem Love at First Sight excerpted from Ten Poems to Open Your Heart by Roger Housden.

Jupiter enters Leo

“Spend some time every day listening to what your muse is trying to tell you.” St Bartholomew.

Jupiter, the planet which governs higher wisdom and philosophy entered the sign of Leo today. Jupiter in Leo ushers in a time of increased self confidence, hope and optimism. It is a good time for creativity, fun and socializing. Jupiter’s influence is considered beneficent even when in harsh aspect to other planets. Check your chart to see where Jupiter is transiting for the next year – this is an area where expansion and increase are likely to come into your life – you may be feeling it already. One of the Sabian symbols associated with this time is, “A Greek muse weighing newborn twins in golden scales.”

Why consult an astrologer? It is a gift to be seen.

Amelia Shea specializes in issues of family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career.She can be reached at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person. All times mentioned at EDT. All quotes from 360 Degrees of Wisdom by Lynda Hill.

Full Moon in Capricorn

“Let us be silent that we might hear the whispers of the gods.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Full Moons are times when it is wise to exercise moderation and July 12th’s Full Moon in Capricorn is no exception. Mars continues to oppose Uranus making it a more volatile time. The Moon will conjunct Pluto indicating that deep feelings can more easily and suddenly rise to the surface. Aspects between Venus, Mercury , Pluto, Saturn and the Moon indicate that it may be more difficult to express yourself clearly or to be heard accurately. It bodes well to postpone difficult discussions until another time if possible.

Jupiter and Mercury are both at 29 degrees – 29 being considered the fated degree. Choose your words wisely during this time as they can set in motion unforeseen circumstances which might be hard to undo.

The asteroid of the Dark Moon opposes the Part of Fortune on the Ascendant /Descendant axis – indicating an opportune time for inner transformation which can lead to a more clear and empowered sense of personal identity. Saturn’s beneficent trine to Chiron indicates a good time for healing through meditation or through invoking the help of higher forces. One of the Sabian symbols is “A hidden choir singing during a religious service.”

Why consult an astrologer? Life’s challenges often find direction and resolution when viewed from an archetypal perspective.

Amelia Shea specializes in issues of family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career.She can be reached at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person. All times mentioned at EDT. All quotes from 360 Degrees of Wisdom by Lynda Hill.

Pluto and Uranus

“A world lives within you. ..Each person brings sound out of silence and coaxes the invisible to become visible….The mystery never leaves you alone.” John O’Donahue

In ancient Rome people hung plaques of the two-faced god Janus by the doorway to remind them of their inner self and their outer self as they passed by. Current astrological influences suggest that it bodes well to bring these two worlds into closer alignment.

Why consult an astrologer? Life’s challenges often find direction and resolution when viewed from a larger, more meaningful perspective.

Amelia Shea specializes in issues of family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career.She can be reached at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person. All times mentioned at EDT . John O’donahue quote from his book Anam Cara.

Jupiter, Chiron and Saturn

“Somewhere beyond the walls of our awareness…the wilderness side, the seeking side of ourselves is waiting to return.” Laurens van der Post

This week through the Full Moon on July 12 there are some powerful transformative energies about. Jupiter is preparing to leave Cancer – the sign which – among other things- governs the past and family. The sign of the crab with its tough outer shell is associated with protection against buffeting emotional tides.

The Sun’s opposition to Pluto offers a good time to extricate yourself from disempowering self concepts of the past.Often these self images may have come down through ancestral, cultural or religious lines and were absorbed rather than questioned. Now it the time to question them and to use Pluto’s power to clarify and redefine yourself from a more current, authentic, empowered perspective. Saturn’s trine to the Sun lends traction and long term success to the process with the caveat that commitment, practice and discipline must be involved. Chiron’s aspects indicate a powerful time for healing through forgiveness of self and others.

Why consult an astrologer? Life’s challenging problems often find meaning and resolution when viewed from a larger perspective.