New Moon in Sagittarius

One time I heard an online lecture by noted anthropologist and writer Alberto Villoldo which was delivered on the Winter Solstice a few years ago. He explained that on this night shamans and indigenous people throughout the world would be gathered around the fire, gazing into the flames and envisioning the new, healthier, more vibrant world that they were bringing into being with their focused thoughts and intentions.

Fire is an inspirational force and is associated with passion, adventure and clarity of vision.

On the upcoming New Moon on December 2 the Sun and Moon will be together in the fiery sign of Sagittariius

In preparation for this time (New Moons are powerful initiatory times for setting intentions) it is wise to clarify your visions for your life, what you feel passionate about and your hopes and wishes for the evolution of a healthier planet.

At the end of the lecture Alberto said, “Throughout the world we will all be together tonight as we gather around the fire,” a reminder that the desire for a healthier , more vibrant planet is shared by many people throughout the world – whose desires were aligned that night around the fire.

All times mentioned are EST.

Mercury And Saturn

“Perception is an ongoing interchange – a silent conversation I carry on with things. By perceiving (really seeing) I enter into a sympathetic relation with the perceived…The act of perception is always open-ended and unfinished.” David Abram

Today is the third conjunction of Mercury and Saturn in Scorpio related to the recent Mercury retrograde period. These contacts provide fertile ground for significant realizations over time. In the sign of Scorpio these insights can relate to an evolved understanding of emotional patterning as well as an evolved understanding of empowerment.

Mercury and Saturn together also remind us of the conscious use of thought and speech and as we approach the holiday season this is a good area of life to consider. There are good aspects for conviviality as well as communication over the next week – particularly if expectations are pragmatic and appropriate boundaries are in place.

All times mentioned are EST . David Abram quote from his book The Spell of the Sensuous.

The Sun enter Sagittarius

“Healing is a process, a movement, a transition towards balance, connectedness, meaning and wholeness. Healing is a movement not an outcome.” Richard Katz.

The Sun enters Sagittarius November 22. The Sun’s journey through Scorpio, the predecessor of Sagittarius, has been particularly significant this year with Saturn, the North Node and Mercury all transiting through that sign as well.

For much of the month these planets were aligned in favorable aspect to Chiron – the asteroid of the Wounded Healer- in Pisces. In mythology Chiron brought the knowledge of homeopathy to the gods and goddesses. He was renowned for his healing abilities. But in the end Chiron died of a wound he could not heal.

The symbol in Astrology for the asteroid Chiron is a key. It associated with missing information or fragmentation related to the ongoing process of wounding and healing that goes on in the course of everyone’s life. With Chiron in Pisces it is a very good time to pay attention to information from dreams, intuition, spiritual guidance etc that speaks of missing information – particularly associated with areas of life that feel challenging or problematic. Very often there is a need to heal some aspect of that part of life and Chiron can help us to see how to do that.

All times mentioned are EST Richard Katz quote from Divine Sparks by Karen Speerstra

Full Moon in Taurus

“No one can give a definition of the soul. But we know what it feels like…The soul is a burning desire to breathe in this world of light and never to lose it – to remain children of light.”
Albert Schweitzer

The Moon waxes full Sunday 11/17 at 25 degrees of Taurus. At this time Pluto is conjunct Venus on the Ascendant and Mercury is conjunct the North Node on the Midheaven. Consciously engaged the energy of this Moon lends great strength and power to endeavors actively involved in transformation – particularly endeavors related to self esteem, identity, identify in relationship & partnership and issues related to abundance.

Use the energy of this Full Moon to review how far you have come in these areas and to recommit to the discipline, focus and work required in the journey forward.

It is a time when passions may be running high and a good time to be in touch with what needs to be transformed in your life in order that you may live more authentically and passionately – more closely aligned with your soul’s evolutionary purpose and with what you came here to do.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is, “A silvery moon shining across a beautiful gem of a lake” – making this a good time for quiet contemplation and reflection.

Amelia Shea has advised clients in her Astrology and Tarot practice since 1990. She specializes in issues of relationship, family and children as well as life path and career. She can be reached at 603 654 1043 or Her readings start at $30. All times mentioned are EST. Sabian symbol reference from Lynda Hill’s
360 Degrees of Wisdom. Albert Schweitzer quote from Divine Sparks by Karen Speerstra

Venus enters Capricorn

“People are like stained glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within.”
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Venus is now in Capricorn and one of the Sabian symbols for this early degree is, “Three stained glass windows in a Gothic church, one damaged by war.” As we head towards the Winter Solstice, this symbol speaks about the need to cultivate courage, wisdom and insight as we face increasing darkness or the waning of the light.
Venus is about values and as she enters the transformative Pluto/Uranus square it provides good timing to get in touch with what it is we truly value – those values that underlie and motivate all sorts of interactions with the world – which contribute one way or another to having an impact – and to make space for improvement if necessary.

Sabian symbol quote and Elizabeth kubler Ross quote from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom.

November ’13 Astrology

“Street choir,
Sing me a song
For a new day…” Van Morrison

Last night in a recently released book, Transpersonal Astrology I was reading a chapter written by Bay Area political astrologer Jessica Murray in which she said that we were brave souls, having chosen to incarnate at this particular time in history. The challenges and opportunities of our times are largely symbolized by the Uranus/Pluto square – exact again for the fourth of seven times as the month begins.The Uranus/Pluto aspect is about the revolutionary change we see around us. It has an inner and outer dimension for each of us.

On the 3rd there is a New Moon solar eclipse in Scorpio.This is an especially powerful time for seeding new intentions – particularly related to what you feel passionate about as well as relationship endeavors and investments.

On the 5th Venus moves into Capricorn and shortly after the Sun conjuncts Saturn. This is a serious time and good for detail oriented work and working on finances and business matters.

It is a good month with Scorpio’s depth and intensity to get to the bottom of things – such as belief systems which have outlived their usefulness- and set higher aspirations.
With the advances in technology and the speed and overabundance of information these days, it is a good time to take a breath and examine the origin of beliefs- and whether they are overly sourced from the outer world or originate with what you believe to be true.

The influence of Saturn is strong as well – things may take more time, discipline and work than usual.

There are a number of planetary stations this month – Jupiter will station on the 7th.
Mercury stations direct on the 10th and Neptune on the 13th – making this a potentially confusing time frame- so check details twice. It is a good time for creativity and inspiration.

Mid month Venus enters the Uranus/Pluto square bringing challenges to relationships and partnerships which can under this influence become more volatile. Look at what needs reforming and make a plan to start.

The Sun moves up to a square with Neptune on the 24 – watch for illusions. On the 25 Mercury will conjunct Saturn bringing more balance, seriousness and perspective.

Pluto and Uranus

“As we move into the dark of the Moon, it is important to honor this time of darkness, this liminal time. It is a time for being, for dreaming and for reflection — not a time for clarity or for action.” Gail Byrne

As Halloween approaches we are in a place of mystery and magic – when the veils between the worlds are thin and the presence of those on the other side – friends, family and ancestors – may be felt more strongly. On Halloween the Pluto/Uranus square is exact as the Moon opposes Uranus and squares Pluto . This can create a volatile atmosphere as well as the eruption of deep feelings. It is wise to observe this time – through the New Moon/Solar Eclipse on Nov 3 – as a journey of exploration through hidden realms. Carl Jung and others have written about the importance of owning the shadow – those parts of ourselves we do not acknowledge consciously that, as a result hold great power. Use this time period leading up to the Solar Eclipse on Nov 3 to develop more conscious awareness of this side of life.

Gail Byrne can be reached at

Solar Eclipse in Scorpio

“Transformation comes from a place of looking deeply within, to a state that exists before fear and isolation arise, the state in which we are inviolably whole just as we are.” Sharon Salzberg

One of the symbols for the sign of Scorpio is the phoenix rising from the ashes and one of the great gifts of the sign – if actualized – is transformation. The upcoming Solar Eclipse on Nov 3 is at 11 degrees of Scorpio – conjunct Saturn and the North Node. This eclipse is very much about the soul’s evolutionary journey. It is a good time to think deeply and wisely about heeding the desires of the soul and creating steps – however incremental- forward to do that. With the sign of Scorpio there is also a need to let go of what is outgrown or no longer useful. The soul must feel free to dream unimpeded. As Alberto Villoldo so perceptively wrote, ” We must let go of perceptions of ourselves as being bogged down by a problem or trapped in a role, and envision ourselves as free from what we are identifying with or clinging to.”

Salzberg quote from Divine Sparks by Karen Speerstra, Alberto Villoldo’s quote from The Four Insights

Mercury Conjunct Saturn

Once I lived on a working farm where occasionally farm hands would come and stay in exchange for room and board. Once a couple stayed who had recently come from Stephen Gaskin’s intentional community in Tennessee, The Farm. The couple would say a simple grace before dinner and then end it by saying, “Let us think to the origins of our food, ” meaning to think about and be grateful for all the things that had contributed to the dinner that lay before us.
This morning I was reading a book about the history of the Tarot ( a hypothetical history at best). It speculated that the Tarot had originated as the result of an ancient ritual performed in the Temple of Thoth. The Temple’s walls were covered with elaborate paintings which symbolized the “major forces governing the patterns of life.”* The Querent ( the person asking a question) would toss a loose bundle of rods and the priests would interpret the meanings based on which images the rods were facing. Later some speculated, the Tarot deck was made so that the images could be transported and readings could be done elsewhere.
With Mercury conjunct Saturn in Scorpio heading towards a solar eclipse on Nov 3, the timing is good to think about origins – particularly origins of behavior or thought patterns you would like to change. Often these patterns were not chosen freely as an adult but was taught to us by the many influences around us or developed as a coping mechanism. Under the transformative energy in effect now, it is a good time to rethink the origins of things you would like to change and set clear intentions about how you are going to do that.

Quote from Juliet Sharman Burke’s The Complete Book of Tarot

Mercury Stations Retrograde in Scorpio

“The highest magic is that which lies within ourselves.” Anodea Judith

Mercury stationed retrograde today at 18 degrees of Scorpio. This is an intriguing retrograde period (through November 1) as during this time Mercury will conjunct Saturn and then play a significant part in the upcoming eclipse on November 3. It is a good time to deepen awareness as information that has been hidden over time may be revealed – information that can enable you to unravel limited perceptions and understandings. One of the Sabian symbols associated with the retrograde is,
“A Woman Drawing Aside Two Dark Curtains That Closed the Entrance to a Sacred Pathway.”

Anodea Judith quote from Wheels of Life, Sabian symbol quote from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom