April’13 Astrology

“Jesus, Buddha, and even Moses had fire in them, but they were equally sanguine and thoughtful.”
Thomas Moore

Spring’s initiatory, fiery energy is with us as the month begins. It is best all month long to implement this energy with forethought and planning before forging ahead spontaneously or impulsively as Mars the war god is inclined to do.
Use the month to assess and improve the way you meet challenges and overcome obstacles. Develop courage.

Through the 9th Mercury trines the North Node which governs life purpose. It is a good time to access where you are, where you would like to be and to be open to creative and innovative ideas related to forging a more direct path to the future. Figure out what steps need to be taken now and put them in place.
The transit of Venus to the Sun last summer encouraged all of us to get more deeply in touch with what brings meaning into our lives. This aspect will be in effect for several years and it bodes well to proceed with clear intentions, be willing to persevere and to face challenges with optimism and courage.

The New Moon is at 20 degrees of Aries on the 10th.

Pluto stations retrograde on the 12th. This can be a volatile time. It is a good time to take stock of the transformations we are trying to effect in our own lives.
Challenges can arise under this influence- personally and collectively. Pluto’s role is to bring to light the corruption underlying and undermining corrupt institutions. We see this process in the news every day.

Inner and outer structures are up for review and renewal.

From the 15th through the 22nd Venus sextiles Neptune making it a good time frame for artwork, spiritual growth and romance. Just a heads up to factor pragmatism into the picture.

Mercury aspects Uranus, Pluto and Jupiter mid month through the time of the the Lunar Eclipse on the 25. Be open to new and optimistic ideas. Sidestep unproductive, habitual thought patterns and assumptions.

The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse is on the 25th at 5 degrees of Scorpio. Eclipses are evolutionary in nature and are felt before and after the event. This eclipse will be in close aspect to Saturn – thus discipline, pragmatics. and planning will be helpful throughout the month.

Amelia Shea has advised clients in her Astrology and Tarot practice since 1990. She can be reached at 603 654 1043, amelia.shea@comcast.net, www.ameliashea.com or www.ameliashea.wordpress.com. Her readings start at $30.

All times mentioned are EDT.
quote from The Soul’s Religion by Thomas Moore.

Weekend Astrology

“Freedom does not come from permission given by others; it starts with us allowing ourselves to act in accordance with who we are.” Genevieve Hathaway

Electrical energy runs high now with the dynamic conjunction of the Sun, Uranus and Venus in Aries. It provides a good influence to move in a direction of increased personal authenticity. Innovation, out of the box thinking, experimentation and discovery are highlighted. Be open to breakthroughs.

Full Moon in Libra

“We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” Albert Einstein

The Moon waxes full Wednesday at 6 degrees of Libra. This is an action oriented, dynamic time and it is possible to harness this energy as long as patience, equilibrium and moderation are at the forefront. Do use extra caution when traveling and avoid impulsive behavior.
We live in a time of fast paced evolution personally and collectively. Answers to the challenges we face as individuals and as a planet will be found through accessing and integrating higher levels of consciousness and innovative thinking.
One of the Sabian symbols for this Full Moon is, “A Person Successfully Expressing Themselves In Two Realms At Once.” It is a good time to take heart. Be brave. Assess personal progress in facing challenges and overcoming obstacles and set new goals if necessary. Make a commitment to more closely align hopes and aspirations – both for yourself and the kind of world you would like to see- with daily actions.

All times mentioned are EDT. Sabian symbol quote from Lynda Hill

Mars Conjuncts Uranus

“When we dance with Mars, we enter the realm of fire, where qualities of bravado, boldness, courage and forthrightness are forged.” Caroline Casey

The Mars/Uranus conjunction is exact today. It is best to avoid impulsive behavior and leave extra time when moving about through the end of the month. Mars has moved into the Uranus/Pluto square making this a more energized, volatile time.
In the old texts Mars was known as the war god but today he is often referred to as a spiritual warrior. Be open to insights and breakthroughs about a more effective use of personal power.

All times mentioned are EDT.
Quote from Making the Gods Work for You by Caroline W. Casey

Mercury Stations Direct

“Certain forms such as the labyrinth represent explicitly the experience of initiation- entry into the abyss of the mysteries, the pilgrimage of the spirit.” Joan Halifax

Throughout time people have walked the winding trails of the labyrinth when in need of guidance. Mercury stations direct today at 5 degrees of Pisces. With the notable configuration of planets in Pisces over the past month guidance has been available through dreams and intuitions. It is a good time to write down insights and ideas that have emerged as we prepare to move into the action oriented, initiatory time of Spring.

Amelia Shea has advised clients in her Astrology and Tarot practice since 1990. She can be reached at 603 654 1043, amelia.shea@comcast.net, www.ameliashea.com or www.ameliashea.wordpress.com. Her readings start at $30.
All times mentioned are EDT.
Quote from Divine Sparks by Karen Speerstra

New Moon in Pisces

“New Moons are anything but empty events; rather they are fertile moments and openings, marked by the potential we feel before something forms or manifests.” Genevieve Hathaway

The Pisces New Moon on Monday opens a cycle leading up to the Spring Equinox on the 20th when the Sun enters Aries. Pisces symbolizes the end of a cycle and Aries the highly energized, action oriented beginning. Spend time this weekend in ways that make you feel refreshed and rejuvenated. It is a good time to review spiritual, creative and emotional aspirations as we move towards the rebirth of Spring. The wind is at our back with setting clear intentions connected to higher aspirations Monday.

New Moon in Pisces

“The sea-caves of the soul may not be visible from dry land, but once you get into them, you realize just how amazing and spacious they are.” Amanda Painter

In a recent interview noted author and astrologer Melanie Reinhart said that she sometimes she thinks the entire world is in the process of soul retrieval.
If you feel you have not adequately addressed the needs and longings of your soul life recently this week provides an excellent window of time for that as we move towards the New Moon in Pisces on Monday March 11.

Amelia Shea has advised clients in her Astrology and Tarot practice since 1990. She can be reached at 603 654 1043, amelia.shea@comcast.net, www.ameliashea.com or www.ameliashea.wordpress.com . Her readings start at $30.
Quote from Amanda Painter who writes for Planet Waves.All times mentioned are EDT through the 9th then EDT.

March 2013 Astrology

“The alchemists held that the divine faculty possessed by man was his imagination, and their theory seems to be that if the imagination was sufficiently well disciplined and concentrated it would produce amazing results.”
Juliet Sharman Burke

The alchemists were not alone in their idea of the importance of the imagination.Throughout history this idea has been the foundation of many magical traditions. Albert Einstein who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 was famously quoted as saying , “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”
Th alchemist’s work involved the process of purification and transformation. Calcination – when matter was heated until it was reduced to ash – was an important part of the process.
The ongoing Pluto Saturn sextile throughout the month frees up energy for transforming the parts of our inner lives that have over time become calcified – crystallized in a way which inhibits growth and evolution. These calcified areas can be emotional, spiritual, mental and physical and involve beliefs that have become rigid over time. The beliefs may have been helpful as defense mechanisms at one time but inhibit growth in the present.
In the first half of March it bodes well to broaden horizons with the imagination and work on expanding views which have become rigid and limited. The second half of the month when Mercury stations and starts to move direct and many of the faster moving planets engage the Pluto/Uranus square will be an action oriented, volatile time.Work imaginatively on visions and intentions which will be clear by mid month and implement them after the 18th when the dynamic, action oriented energy of Mars is strong.
Transits throughout the month:
Through the 13th – Venus squares Jupiter – this is an aspect of good times. It bodes well for activity that bring happiness and pleasure into our lives. It can be an optimistic time. Avoid overspending and excess in general.
The Saturn/Pluto sextile is in effect all month. This provides good timing for financial work and plans. Review how you create financial abundance in your life seeking areas that are in need of improvement. Review investments and how money is spent. Use your imagination to create opportunities.
On the 12th Mars enters his home sign of Aries aspecting Uranus and Pluto. This will usher in a time of more energy but a volatile time as well. Throughout the month guard against impulsive behavior on your part and the part of others as this can be an accident prone time when too much haste, rushing or irritability clouds the thinking. Sudden, surprising events are known occur with this aspect and it bodes well to fortify the nervous system and provide extra down time for regeneration all month long.
On the 17th Mercury stations direct.
The Sun moves into Aries on the Vernal Equinox March 20. The Sun and Moon both engage the Pluto/Uranus square which symbolizes the powerful, transformational nature of our times.
From the 22nd through the end of the month Venus moves up to a conjunction with Uranus in Aries. This is the love-at-first-sight aspect. Surprising things can happen under this high voltage aspect.
The Full Moon is on the 27th at 6 Libra.

“In my dreams I can see
I can see
A world that could be….” Crosby, Stills and Nash

Amelia Shea has advised clients in her Astrology and Tarot practice since 1990. She can be reached at 603 654 1043, amelia.shea@comcast.net, www.ameliashea.com or www.ameliashea.wordpress.com . Her readings start at $30.
Quote from Mastering the Tarot by Juliet Sharman Burke. All times mentioned are EDT through the 9th then EDT

Monday’s Full Moon

One of the Sabian Symbols associated with Monday’s Full Moon in Virgo is “A Woman Drawing Aside Two Dark Curtains That Closed The Entrance To A Sacred Pathway.” For the next several weeks it bodes well to heed any intuitive information related to improving the way you direct energy (mental, spiritual & physical) as you move forward in your life. The asteroid Chiron, whose symbol is a key, is strong at the time of the Full Moon. The North Node which governs our life purpose and groups associated with it is powerful now also indicating there is guidance that can unlock inner doors, free up energy and put us more clearly on our life path. Time spent quietly in meditation or musing will be valuable – efforts to push too hard in the outer realms are likely to be frustrated.

quote from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom, all times mentioned EST

Mercury Stations Retrograde

Mercury stations retrograde Saturday 2/23 EST at 19 degrees of Pisces and will be in retrograde mode through 3/17. This retrograde period is more powerful due to its proximity to the upcoming Full Moon in Virgo on Monday as well as Mercury’s conjunction to Mars. In general when Mercury is retrograde there can be misunderstandings in communication but when Mars is involved people can have a short fuse, conversations can become more heated and the likelihood of passive aggressive behavior is more likely. Avoid rushing, leave extra time when traveling, anticipate delays, be extra clear with communication, practice patience and try not to take things personally.