Amelia’s Blog

Fall Equinox

“You can’t embrace the new paradigm until you let go of the old one.” Marilyn Ferguson

The Fall Equinox – when the Sun enters the sign of Libra – is this Sunday 9/22. The chart for the Equinox has 11 degrees of Aquarius rising with Mars in Leo on the Descendant. These placements speak about how we approach conflict with others and while Mars in Leo can be assertive and aggressive, the sign of Aquarius encourages us to follow the path of the peaceful warrior – to seek and work to create enlightened solutions both personally and globally.
It is notable that recently Pope Francis asked the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics to pray for a peaceful resolution to the use of chemical weapons in Syria rather than military strikes – which he said would only increase the suffering there. In addition to the US public’s insistence to find another way, we are witnessing a perilous, but hopefully more peaceful outcome in the short – and perhaps the long term – as a cease fire may become necessary to the process.
It is a good time to stay out of fear and to be in touch with the higher aspirations for your life and the life of the world in a very positive way.

Full Moon in Pisces

“What makes the desert beautiful,’ said the little prince, “is that somewhere it hides a well…” Antoine de Saint- Exupery*

I have been so fortunate – most of my life – to have lived near a hidden spring which bubbles up from the earth or an old field stone well surrounded by towering pines deep in the woods. With thunderstorms and blizzards and their subsequent power outages, we would trek with buckets and sometimes sleds out to the well or the spring house for our water. Throughout time places like this – wishing wells and healing springs like Lourdes – have been considered places to reconnect with our spiritual and emotional origins and experience rebirth and the renewal of our hopes and dreams. Thursday’s Full Moon is such a time and place.
It is a watery, dreamy, visionary Moon- at 26 Pisces.
One of the Sabian symbols for this Moon is, ” A Harvest Moon Illuminates the Sky.”
Carl Sandburg expressed it well – “Write your wishes on the door. Stand outside in the pools of the harvest moon.”

Quote from The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint- Exupery*
Sabian Symbol & Carl Sandburg quote from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom

Saturn Conjuncts the North Node

“When you forgive, some deeper, divine generosity takes you over…When you cannot forgive, you are a prisoner of the hurt done to you.”
John O’Donahue

Saturn is now conjunct the North Node making this a good time to commit or recommit to serious life endeavors and to the work required to bring them to fruition. It is a karmic doorway of sorts and a good time to implement the alchemical powers of forgiveness – to let go of the past and move forward in a more loving, less burdened way.

Quote from Divine Sparks by Karen Speerstra

Thursday’s New Moon

“The best way to avoid responsibility is to say, “I’ve got responsibilities.” Richard Bach

The New Moon Thursday is at 13 degrees of Virgo. As Saturn approaches the North Node use this time to re-evaluate responsibilities – which ones you would like to commit or recommit to and which burdens are no longer yours to carry. It is also bodes well to set clear intentions about adjusting daily routines in order to build increased strength and overall wellness.

Juno, Saturn and the North Node

“Socrates had it wrong; it is not the unexamined life but finally the uncommitted life that is not worth living.” William Sloane Coffin

For much of the Fall Juno – the asteroid of commitment – will be squaring Saturn and the North Node. In mythology Juno kept her vows in a marriage where her notorious husband Jupiter, did not. Although Juno for that reason is sometimes associated with jealousy and revenge, I think the basic meaning of the asteroid has to do with the commitments we make and keep because they are important in our individual lives from an ethical standpoint. As with Juno these personal commitments may not make sense to others and can at times be at odds with traditional family, religious or societal values. A good example of this is commitments made to a higher law – such as conscientious objectors who refuse to fight in war because it violates their personally held spiritual beliefs.

Juno is in Aquarius now – indicating a time of more courage, individuality and authenticity in making commitments. When Saturn and the North Node are involved it indicates that it bodes well to seriously consider commitments now and not enter into any lightly as Saturn the taskmaster will have lessons to teach that very well may have been avoided with appropriate forethought.The North Node indicates that it is important to consider the future seriously and how any commitments make now will affect your life going forward

No matter how compelling it is best to slow down, set clear boundaries and avoid illusions and projections.
Quote from Credo by William Sloane Coffin

September ’13 Astrology

“Human beings suffer.
They torture one another.
They get hurt and get hard.

History says, Don’t hope
On this side of the grave,
But then once in a lifetime
The longed-for tidal wave
Of justice can rise up,
And hope and history rhyme.

So hope for a great sea change
On the far side of revenge.
Believe that a farther shore
Is reachable from here.
Believe in miracles
And cures and healing wells.” Seamus Heaney*

The revolutionary fervor alive in the world now as well as the ensuing push back have an outer component as well as an inner one as powerful evolutionary forces sweep through our inner and outer worlds. There is the potential for major transformation through the process of meeting significant challenges.This is true both individually and collectively.

With the forces at play in September we are emerging out of a time which has been highly emotional as is so often the case with a strong watery influence. For many people it has felt like a Persephone-like journey through the fog – unable to see the lighthouse.

Now as we move into September the energy takes on more of an earthly influence- bringing the focus to pragmatics. It is a particularly good time to take a good look at daily schedules and set in motion plans for the improving health and work routines. It is also a good month to use Virgo’s powers of discrimination to clean out closets and work areas. Free up energy for new thoughts and inspirations to come.

With the sign of Virgo there can be a high strung and nervous energy about which is best directed into work of this kind. Stay busy. With focus and direction a lot can be accomplished. Answers to big picture questions are more likely to come through attention to small projects.

The New Moon is Thursday Sept 5 at 13 Virgo. Set realistic goals about what you would like to accomplish pragmatically. Commit to the process, anticipate frustration and delays with the Mars/Saturn aspects.

Saturn and Pluto will be harmoniously aligned all month indicating the ongoing help with deep personal transformation – it indicates a time of progress with foundational issues that may be limiting forward evolution.

Mercury will enter Libra and the Pluto/Uranus square on the 9th. There can be surprising news and developments during this time. Extra quiet time all month will be beneficial.

Venus is busy this month -entering Scorpio on the 11th and bringing more depth and intensity to relationships. Venus will be conjunct Saturn from the 11- the 27th this a good time to get serious about values. It can be a challenging time for the romantic side of relationships – as often with this influence – the rose colored glasses no longer appear to be working.

The Moon waxes full on the 19th at 27 degrees of Pisces. This is likely to be a very emotional time.

Pluto stations direct on the 20th – on the heels of the Full Moon. This can add volatility to the backwash of the Full Moon. It is a very powerful time for liberating yourself from the past. Keep intentions clear.

The Sun enters Libra on the Autumnal Equinox the 22nd.

Mercury will enter Scorpio on the 29th.

*Seamus Heaney was the first Irish poet to receive the Nobel Prize since William Butler Yeats. He passed away Friday 8/30 in Dublin. The quote is from his poem,”The Cure at Troy.”

Full Moon in Aquarius

“You’re no different.You came into this world as an answer to a prayer, a solution to a need. If there was no need for you, you would never have shown up. The fact that you were born is the guarantee that you have a reason for being here. There is something you came to give- a gift, a talent, a message, a meaning. The world needs you to be you.”
Derek Rydell

On Tuesday the Moon waxes Full at 28 degrees of Aquarius.The Sabian symbol for this degree is, ” A Butterfly Emerging from a Chrysalis.” This is a powerful time along the path of personal destiny and a powerful time to more closely align your inner life with your actions in the outer world. Acknowledge progress about who you are becoming as you move towards a new level of increased authenticity. The symbol for the Sun is, “A Mermaid Has Climbed to a Rocky Shore of a Bleak Coast. She Awaits the Prince who will Bring her Immortality.” This symbol speaks about making dreams and visions real. It is a caution against projecting power or wishes on to others. It bodes well to build your strength for the journey consciously and avoid undermining it through unconscious patterning.

*Quote from The Choice for Love by Derek Rydell, Sabian symbol quote from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom. All times mentioned are EDT.

Mercury Trine Uranus

“Curiosity is the doorway that stimulates growth, joy and expansion and allows you to begin to remember who you are.” Emmanuel

This week Mercury moves up to a fiery trine with Uranus as Jupiter moves into the Pluto/Uranus square. It is a good week to envision how you would like to grow. Harness the considerable transformative energy available now and commit to the courage necessary to overcome obstacles that appear to stand in the way. With Mercury in harmonious aspect to Uranus support from the universe can appear through intuitive flashes as well as innovative approaches and ideas. Be open to breakthroughs.
And just a cautionary note – do take more care when communicating with others this week as impulsive or thoughtless communication can lead to complicated circumstances.

Amelia Shea has advised clients in her Astrology and Tarot practice since 1990. She can be reached at 603 654 1043,, or Her readings start at $30. All times mentioned are EDT.

*Quote from The Choice for Love

New Moon in Leo

“You are not the oil, you are not the air – merely the point of combustion, the flash point where light is born.”*

August’s New Moon is Tuesday August 6 at 14 degrees of Leo. New Moons are an excellent time for setting intentions and for grounding them by taking new, concrete steps. This New Moon in Leo speaks of leadership that originates from the inner light. There will be increased support for initiatives that are linked to your life’s higher purpose as well as for initiatives that help bring light into the world or make the world a better place. The Moon trines Uranus in fire indicating that guidance is available through intuitive insights. Chiron’s placement indicates the need to remain open, flexible and prepared for ongoing adjustments that may need to be made over time.

.*Quote from Dag Hammarskjold

August ’13 Astrology

” We cannot wait for great visions from great people, for they are in short supply… It is up to us to light our own small fires in the darkness.” Charles Handy*

The Uranus/Mars square will be with us through the middle of the month. Under this influence it is best to exercise caution and have extra patience when dealing with others, when driving and when moving around in general. Avoid rushing and impulsive action.

Through the 9th the Sun makes a trine to Uranus. Under this beneficent influence look for doors that may be opening – doors to new, innovative ideas and solutions. Opportunities can abound.

The New Moon at 14 Leo is on the 6th. This is a powerful time for intention setting due to its proximity to the Jupiter/Uranus square. Planetary forces are supportive of transformation now.

From the 8th through the 17th Mercury squares Saturn. Keep communications clear. Work patiently with attention to detail as obstacles arise.

From the 11th through the 19th Mercury will be trining Uranus.This is the aspect of the visionary, the off the grid thinker, the magus who knows how to turn thoughts into reality. It can be a freeing aspect – helping to unblock areas of life that feel stagnant or stuck. Be open to innovative insights.

The Moon waxes full at 28 degrees of Aquarius strengthening the visionary energy which abounds all month.

The Jupiter/Uranus square is building through the month and exact on the 21st. This aspect can increase the desire for excitement and fun. It increases the willingness to experiment, take risks and face challenges. It can bring about significant change.Just a word to the wise – use the energy well. Avoid excess and keep moderation in the picture.

At the end of the month Venus will enter the Uranus/Pluto square. This can bring up challenges related to relationships, self esteem and finances. If you are looking for significant changes in these areas of life this would be a good time to work on them – keeping patience, clarity and moderation in the picture.

*quote The Age of Paradox by Charles Handy