Mars Stations Direct

“Mars represents our ability to define ourselves through our own volition.” Eric Francis 

“A single moment can retroactively flood an entire life with meaning.” Victor E. Frankl

Mars stations direct at 10:05 AM Monday 8/27 at 29 degrees of Capricorn. The Sabian symbol for this degree is, “A woman reading tea leaves.” This is an indication to look to the underlying or deeper meaning of events.

Mars has been retrograde for two months and it bodes well now to look to events that occurred  during this period and discern how they are connected to the deeper meaning of your life or how they help you see the way forward with more clarity.

The 29th degree is considered to be the “fated degree” meaning it has particular significance. Although there continues to be the tendency to act impulsively now, it’s wise to proceed seriously and with a well thought out plan for any future endeavors.

Sunday’s Full Moon in Pisces and the Sun in Virgo

“The more accelerated our life becomes, the more we have to learn to select only the essential, to create our own repose and meditation island within an uncluttered mental space.” Anais Nin

“I believe deeply that we must find, all of us together, a new spirituality.” Dalai Lama

The Sun is now in the sign of Virgo –  the sign of discrimination. This sign governs the process of digestion  in the body as well as the process of taking in and assimilating  information.

It is a good time to slow down, take a few breaths and –  if necessary -create some space to assimilate experiences or information  which have surfaced recently.

The Moon waxes full at 3 degrees Pisces on Sunday at 7:56 AM EDT. There is a kite formation at this time which includes a grand earth trine with the Sun, Saturn and Uranus. This aspect is a like building a bridge to the future by taking what is valuable  from the past and combining it with innovation going forward. The kite formation indicates that there is pragmatic support to draw on for future endeavors. Best to take a creative approach and research options broadly.
The Full Moon in Pisces indicates a good time to seek spiritual solutions to questions.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A petrified forest, an eternal record of a life lived long ago.”

Mercury Retrograde Ends Sunday

“Socrates had it wrong; it is not the unexamined but finally the uncommitted life that is not worth living.” William Sloane Coffin

“Genuine commitment is a journey into the unknown.” Madonna Kolbenschlag

This summer’s  Mercury retrograde period ends this Sunday as  Mercury stations direct at 11 degrees of  Leo at  12:25 am EDT.  It bodes well for several days before and after the station to raise awareness and take note of information that surfaces as Mercury stations can be associated with a culmination of information.

At the time of the station Pluto and Juno will align harmoniously. Juno is the asteroid which is associated with commitment of all kinds – commitments to yourself, to your work, to your life path and to your relationships.

Information may surface and realizations occur under this influence that are related to a deeper understanding of what you commit to and why. If there are agreements you would like to terminate or evolve in some way this time may shed light on a deeper understanding on those situations as well.

Mars will follow Mercury and station direct on the 27th. This, along with Mercury direct will help with getting traction going forward.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”An evening garden party of adults.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill





More on Saturday’s Solar Eclipse in Leo

“The word, which we’ve all heard, is dharma. It means acting as if to hold the world together…Dharmic action is acting as if your own choices serve to make the world a better place specifically by preserving its delicate, intricate threads of relationship, kindness, healthy dependency and mutual sharing.” Eric Francis 

“When we seek connection, we restore the world to wholeness. Our seemingly separate lives become meaningful as we discover how truly necessary we are to each other.” Margaret Wheatley

New Moons and especially New Moon Eclipses like the one tomorrow Saturday, August 11, offer a good opportunity to cross the threshold into an evolved level of wholeness. This is because in Jungian astrology, the Sun represents the inner masculine and the Moon, the inner feminine. By bringing these two into a more harmonious alignment personal evolution can occur.

It is a good time to focus on who you are aspiring to become. And what you need to leave behind to do that- thoughts, feelings, assumptions and old behaviors.

One time on a Solar Eclipse I called a shamanic institute out west and the person who answered the phone said,” Oh, no one is here now. They all just rushed up to the canyon to do a ritual at the time of the eclipse.” Many shamanic traditions in setting intentions and doing ritual at these times also include their wishes for a healthy future for the planet. This bodes well now as well.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is, “Brilliant sunshine just after a shower.”

Sabian symbol for Lynda Hill


Solar Eclipse in Leo and This Week’s Astrology

“Maud Gonne at Howth station waiting a train,
Pallas Athene in that straight back and arrogant head:
All the Olympians; a thing never known again…”

“A crowd
will gather and not know it walks the very street
Whereon a thing once walked that seemed a burning cloud.” WB Yeats 

In his writing William Butler Yeats described Maud Gonn, the inspiration for many of his poems, as Pallas Athene. Maud Gonn was the revolutionary who saved the lives of many Irish families. In Ireland they believed she fulfilled the prophesy that one day  the Queen of the Fairies would come and preach the revolt and inspire the Irish to rise up against the British occupation. For that reason people would often kneel and kiss the hem of her gown.
Maud Gonne was born at the exact moment of the Winter Solstice. In the old texts this auspicious birth time was associated with.”the birth of gods and goddesses.”

The asteroid Pallas Athene is a strong influence during Saturday’s  Solar Eclipse at 18 degrees of Leo. Pallas Athene is one of the female asteroids in astrology which  are associated with the re- emergence of the Feminine.

In mythology Pallas Athene is the goddess of compassionate justice. She brought the knowledge of diplomacy to the gods and goddesses and was known for her strategic skills. She used conflict resolution in an attempt to avert war. But when it became necessary she was invincible in battle.

This Solar Eclipse is exact on August 11 at 18 degrees of the fiery sign of Leo.  Look to your astrology chart to see where this eclipse falls as this indicates the area of life where a new cycle is beginning.

It is a good time now leading up to the Eclipse,  to strengthen courage and renew vision. With Pallas involved it is wise to focus on new strategic approaches. The sign of Leo is associated with re- creation and it’s wise to remember the restorative effect that fun  and creativity can have in your life.

Uranus stations retrograde this week  and will retrograde back to late Aries and station direct in late March. Uranus is the planet of innovation and surprises. It governs all things cyber and has an erratic, unpredictable nature to it. It is wise to nurture the nervous system in general as we are  living in times of great change when a new , more just world is striving to be born against considerable push- back.

The Sabian symbol for the eclipse in Leo is,” “A Houseboat Party.”

Mars, Uranus and This Week’s Astrology

“Our word ‘courage’ comes from the French word, coeur which means, ‘heart.'” Courage is a willingness to act from the heart, to let your heart lead the way, not knowing what will be required of you next, and if you can do it.” Jean Shinola Bolen
Things continue to proceed at warp speed here on planet earth as retrograde Mars, the planet of action and desire. continues to form a fractious square with Uranus- the planet of the erratic and  unpredictable.

Retrograde Mars is also conjunct the South Node now.

The South Node has to do with patterns from the past – inherited through ancestral lines, past lives and family of origin – that have a weakening effect – a very familiar weakening effect -that can hinder forward motion. It is wise now to summon your courage in areas that feel challenging.

Do keep in mind sudden and surprising events continue to be on the table and it bodes well to provide extra down time for the renewal of vital forces.

Mars/Uranus is associated with sparks and fire. It is a good time to rekindle the spark that inspires your work and your life.

This aspect can also related to recklessness and impulsiveness so it is wise  to be aware of that and keep moderation in mind. With Mercury retrograde it bodes well to take extra care when communicating in all forms – text, email etc. Do double check that information was received and understood rather than rushing to judgment.

If there is something you have wanted to break free of for awhile this energy can help do that.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,” An activist is stirring up discontent by spreading her revolutionary ideals.”


Mercury Stations Retrograde

“Exploring the question brings more wisdom than having the answer.” The Course in Miracles 

“The antidote to exhaustion is not necessarily rest – it is wholeheartedness.” David Whyte

Mercury stationed retrograde July 26at 1:03 AM EDT at 23 degrees of Leo. Mercury stations represent a culmination of information so do be aware of any information which surfaces now that seems relevant to finalizing old issues and clearing the path forward.

Mercury retrograde periods are a good time to reflect, rethink and renew.

This retrograde period lasts from 7/26 – August 19 when Mercury will station direct at 11 degrees of Leo. It’s wise to look at your astrology chart and see which houses and planets are being highlighted at this time.

The Lunar Eclipse – the longest of the century – will occur Friday 7/27 at 4:20 PM EDT at 4 degrees of Aquarius. Eclipses are evolutionary in nature and so it’s wise at this time to be focusing on future aspirations. It bodes well to check the houses of your chart to see where the eclipse falls and where the change is occurring – the first house for example governs identity, the eleventh house, your community, goals and what calls you forward. The fifth house governs creativity, re-creation and children.

The effects of an eclipse can be felt for a significant time both before and after the event itself.

One of the  Sabian symbol for the Mercury retrograde is,” A Hindu healer glows with a mystic power.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Lunar Eclipse July 27

“Things happen- people come -events
stack up
When you’re least aware of it ,
purpose happens.” Rainer Maria Rilke 

“Here’s a test to see whether your mission on earth is finished: if you’re alive it isn’t.” Richard Bach

This month’s  Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is exact at 4:20 PM EDT on July 27 at 4 degrees of Aquarius. It is likely much that has been hidden will come to light under the influence of this eclipse period- the effects of an eclipse can be felt in advance as well as following the actual event.

At the time of the eclipse Mars is retrograde and conjunct the South Node. This is likely to bring issues that have been simmering in the background into the light of day. It is a turning point in terms of bringing something to culmination.

Uranus – the planet of the unexpected – is active at this time bringing unpredictable events into play. Uranus is also the planet associated with making a sudden break for freedom. With Mars in Aquarius, innovation and futuristic thinking – as well as courage – are on the table.

Venus in Virgo trining Pluto in Capricorn can lend support to being  in the right place at the right time. It can support the actions which bring a renewal of passion and purpose.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,” A council of ancestors has been called to guide a person.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill


Mercury Retrograde and This Week’s Astrology

“Celebrate the energy that anger can give rise to when it doesn’t turn to rage, the initiative it brings into the world.” David Tresemer.

“We were born to be the companions of the angels. Let us go there again, friend, for that is our country.” Rumi

In general it is a testy time – with Mars the god of action and desire traversing the dark of the Underworld – his power held hostage. His journey extends through the end of August providing a good time to look at the use and misuse of power both personally and in the world. Mars is transiting near the South Node bringing up issues of empowerment/lack of empowerment  inherited through the culture, family lines and ancestry.  In general it is a good time to move away from old unhealthy patterns related to anger and lack of empowerment in the direction of increased balance and integration.

These themes will also be played out on the world stage and in the headlines as a new, more just and compassionate world struggles to be born amidst an atmosphere of hostility, upheaval and push back.

There is a beneficent a Jupiter /Neptune trine in the sky – a mystical combination which bodes well for spiritual growth and awareness. It also governs kindness and compassion. Given the fast paced times we live in. it’s wise  to provide extra down time for reflection,  rejuvenation and integration.

Venus is in Virgo now and this placement is about discrimination. It’s a good time to review detail oriented financial matters and for planning. It can be overly critical and it’s best to choose your words carefully as misunderstandings can more easily occur now.

Mercury is slowing down to turn retrograde on July 26. Between then and now  it will be forming a quincunx- to Pluto. This is an aspect that requires constant adjustment. It can be good for investigative work, research and getting to the bottom of things.But do be aware of assuming all the information is in. The downside of this aspect is unwarranted suspicion and lack of trust. It can  lead to power struggles.

Pallas Athene the asteroid goddess of compassionate justice and diplomacy is active in the sky this week – forming a challenging angle to Saturn – who governs the”rules of the road” and enforces them. There is a lot of tension now between the old world that is dying and the new , more just world that is struggling to be born.

Pallas will move up to the North Node this week as well – do be aware of any information that may surface about your path  forward as the North Node governs  life purpose and Pallas governs a brilliant strategic approach.

Eris the goddess of discord and chaos stations direct this week – becoming an increasingly strong force to contend with. In mythology Eris threw the apple of discord that started the Trojan War. Eris is a female goddess who stirs up chaos and sheds light on issues  people don’t want to look at but need to see in order to evolve. She is associated with the repression of the Feminine throughout time.

The Sun moves into Leo on Sunday ushering in a good time for socializing, creativity  and re-creation.

One of the  Sabian symbols for the Sun’s ingress into Leo is,” A daughter of the American Revolution.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse

“Last night as I was sleeping,
I dreamt—marvelous error!—
that a spring was breaking
out in my heart.
I said: Along which secret aqueduct,
Oh water, are you coming to me,
water of a new life
that I have never drunk?” Antonio Machado

“The sacred world of love and wisdom, fiery intelligence and passionate will, imagination and delight- is a world of freedom. It is liberating. But it is also binding and connecting.” David Spangler.

One of my favorite fairy tales is  about a young  mermaid who lived in a marsh near the ocean. In the day time she loved to swim out in the ocean and play with her friends and return to the marsh at night.

One day she met a merman who gave her a beautiful  necklace woven of reeds and small, glittering stones from the ocean floor.  Beautiful though it was, the minute she put it on, her feet became tangled in the roots deep in the water and she was  unable to swim away.  Though she tried and tried to remove the necklace, she could not.

This story reminds me  a bit of Thursday’s New Moon Eclipse at 20 degrees of Cancer. Cancer is a water sign whose symbol is the crab – an inhabitant of  both land and sea.  This sign is ruled by the Moon and also governs the past and the unconscious.

This New Moon Eclipse in  Cancer is opposed to the powerful planet of transformation and evolution, Pluto. In mythology Pluto is known for taking hostages- similar to what happened to the mermaid. The capturing of the mermaid involved something she couldn’t see – she trusted the merman and did not think that he would trap her.

Often  in life when there is a desire to move forward – to pursue a long sought after aspiration, to leave an oppressive job or  to make a more rewarding  life, there is something hidden that holds us back.

Very often the underlying causes of this kind of paralysis are related to the past – to ancestry, past life influences, early childhood conditioning or conditioning from religious or cultural beliefs. These influences are all related in astrology to the Moon and to the sign of Cancer. The down side of these influences can sometimes be hard to see.

This particular New Moon in a powerful alignment to Pluto is a time when secrets can be unveiled and hidden information revealed particularly about these areas of life. Jupiter is now powerful in the sky in the sign of Scorpio – another indication that what’s  hidden or deeply hidden that can be brought to light now.

And as for the mermaid, she needs someone (symbolizing a part of herself) to free her from the spell that holds her captive. And one day a hamster comes paddling along on  his raft boat and meets the mermaid. She explains her plight and he reaches over and is able to remove the necklace from around her neck.  At this point the mermaid swims happily  off to the ocean  – free.

New Moons are an excellent time to set, tweak and affirm intentions and this week is an especially powerful time for that. It is wise to raise your awareness to recognize significant information that surfaces now that has a freeing and empowering quality to it and that may have been previously hidden.

Saturn and Uranus are in a harmonious aspect now – indicating the ability to blend tradition and innovation in a  harmonious way that builds a bridge between the past and the future.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is, “A young woman awaiting a sailboat.”

Sabian symbol reference from Lynda Hill