Uranus, Pluto and the MInd

“Albert Einstein once said that the problems we face in life cannot be solved on the level at which they were created. To that end being able to shift to a higher level of perception can help us find solutions to our problems, resolve conflicts, heal disease, and experience oneness with all of creation, whereas before we were only experiencing distress and separation.” Alberto Villoldo

In the Sixties when Uranus and Pluto were in strong aspect as they are now there was a popular bumper sticker which read, “Question Assumptions.” A good approach to dealing with challenges as they arise this month is to question the assumptions on which they are based and then expand the range of possible solutions. Let innovation lead the way.

quotes from The Neuroscience of Enlightenment by Alberto Villoldo and from Spontaneous Evolution by Lipton and Bhaerman

July 2013 Astrology

“In a shrinking world that can use a good shrink, we don’t need another theory of evolution. What we need is the practice of evolution.” Swami Beyondananda

The first week of July Venus is a strong influence in the sky and there are some challenging aspects. If problems arise in the areas of relationship, finance and pleasure – use them as an opportunity to entertain more workable solutions. Adjustments may need to be made.

With Mercury retrograde it is best to make an extra effort to keep communications clear and if problems arise – rather than assuming anything initially- it is wise to double check that what you said / texted/emailed was first, received and then understood as you intended.

The Sun enters the Uranus /Pluto square the first week also. This powerful combination will lend assistance with transformation. It is a good time to” keep your eyes on the prize.” Stay focused on who you want to become and where you are going. Identify and let go of outdated patterns of thought and behavior that can impede progress.

The New Moon in Cancer is July 8. Use the energy at this time to set clear intentions about aspirations related to home and family.

Mid month is a very busy time astrologically – it is best to provide extra down time to integrate the fast and perhaps confusing pace of events. Uranus stations retrograde on the 17th and Mercury stations direct on the 20th. When this planetary pair combines forces like this there can be surprising news, communications as well as technological snafus. It can be hard on the nervous system.

The Jupiter/Neptune /Saturn trine is in effect at this time as well. As the saying goes, “watch what you wish for” or rather be conscious of what you are trying to create. This planetary alignment governs the laws of manifestation. It will be in effect on and off throughout the year. It is wise with Neptune’s involvement to keep grounded and develop a strong link to intuitive knowing.

Towards the end of the month Mercury enters the Uranus/Pluto square.. This reminds me of what the Dalai Lama wrote about in his book, Ethics for a New Millennium – that we must always be “thinking about what we are thinking.” The mind is a powerful tool and it is a good time to pay attention to how you are using it, let go of unproductive thought patterns and work on using mental powers in a positive way. The Dalai Lama’s book provides very good guidance on the subject.

Mars conjuncts Jupiter at the end of the month – watch the tendency to overshoot the mark with this high energy pair in alignment.

It is likely to be a volatile time and it is best to stay out of the fray- watch for frayed tempers and impulsive behavior.

The Full Moon in Aquarius is on the 22nd.

With Jupiter in Cancer for the next year take some time to appreciate the beauty, harmony and generosity of the natural world – our home.

quote from Spontaneous Evolution by Lipton and Bhaerman

Jupiter in Cancer

Jupiter is now in the sign of Cancer. For the next few weeks under the influence of Mercury retrograde revisit and take care of tasks in need of repair and renewal around the home. It is also a good time to work on healing old wounds- particularly those related to home and family- through an expanded, enlightened perspective. The Sabian symbol for Jupiter’s entrance into Cancer is, “On a ship sailors lower an old flag and raise a new one.” It is a good time revisit allegiances to ideas that may have outlived their purpose.

Sabian Symbol reference from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom

Jupiter in Cancer part 2

I live in a small New Hampshire town close to Main St in a neighborhood of massive, old Victorian homes.

At the Town Meeting last fall the residents voted to replace the sewer system on our street. By late June the process commenced and – without notice – the public works department closed access to a section of the road and chopped down a towering maple tree which was more than a hundred years old. Access to the road and been blocked and visibility limited so that by the time we found out about it it was too late to do anything – such as explore options to cutting down this lovely, long term inhabitant of our neighborhood.

Now when I look up into the sky from my front yard I no longer see the tree’s massive graceful branches, I can no longer hear the rustling of its leaves or sit in its dark shade on a hot summer day.
In the local press I have followed the occasional town disputes about saving a beloved tree or keeping a granite boulder deemed in the way of progress. Often these battles go on for a long stretch of time. But we had not been notified and did not have the option to organize and make our voices heard.

I usually walk past the tree every day at dusk when reflections in the windows of the looming houses create strange apparitions. On the first walk since the tree’s absence I noticed that someone had placed a cup filled with bright pink flowers – Indian paintbrush, I think -on the remaining stump. And some hearts constructed of pipe cleaners lay on top of it too.

A few days later there was a piece of paper stapled to the stump on which a poem was written. It was from The Lorax and read,

“I speak for the trees. I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues.”
And I’m asking you sir, at the top of my lungs,
Oh please do not cut down another one.”

Jupiter is now in Cancer and forming a harmonious aspect to Chiron the asteroid of the Wounded Healer. There is an opportunity with Jupiter’s wise, benevolent influence to understand and heal wounds – particularly those associated with home and family – from an expanded perspective. It is a good time to look at how we deal with painful events and when we can’t avoid them, how we can learn from them,

With Chiron in Pisces raising the level of consciousness is indicated. Forgiveness and surrender are key.

The family in my neighborhood illustrated this clearly by creating the little memorial for the tree and expressing their love and appreciation for it as opposed to- for example- calling town officials to angrily shout at them or blame the workers.

We can hope that everyone learned a little bit from this incident and that residents will also now know that we need to exercise more vigilance in protecting the things we love about our neighborhood.

Mercury Stations Retrograde Wednesday

One day awhile back I was pressed for time and realized there was no way I could make an appointment for an oil change later in the afternoon. When I called the shop to apologize the mechanic said,” That’s fine – only the appointment was yesterday.”
In so doing he reminded me Mercury was retrograde.
Mercury stations retrograde Wednesday June 26. Mercury is the trickster god and during the retrograde period (through July 21) it is wise to give additional attention to the details – particularly as regards travel, communication and the tools of communication. It is a good time to make an extra effort to communicate more clearly, to leave extra time when traveling, and in general to have more patience when things go awry.
Mercury will station at 23 degrees of Cancer making this a good time frame to reflect on issues related to family, relationship and security. The Sabian symbol is, “A woman and two men cast away on a small island,” reminding us of some of the challenges inherent in relationships and family life – particularly issues related to the need for privacy and space, the need to accommodate the wishes of others and the need to live authentically and autonomously in a family or relationship structure. Jupiter will enter sign of Cancer on Wednesday and will help with accessing wisdom in these areas.

All times mentioned are EDT. Sabian Symbol reference from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom

Sunday’s Full Moon

“Whatever happened to the way things are supposed to happen?” Van Morrison

The Sabian symbol for Sunday’s Full Moon at 2 degrees of Capricorn is, “The human soul in its eagerness for new experiences, seeks embodiment.” At the time of the Full Moon there is a kite pattern in the sky formed by the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. Under this magical alignment take some time to nurture your soul’s aspirations and to see them emerging into form through concrete steps. It is a powerful time for imagination and creative visualization.

Sabian Symbol reference from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom
Van Morrison quote from Down the Road

Jupiter, Mars &Chiron

The skies are full of significant planetary activity for the next two weeks. The Sun will conjunct Jupiter tomorrow – bringing with it the opportunity for for increased wisdom and growth – given certain caveats.

One of the Sabian symbols for the Mars/Chiron aspect this week is, “A sword used in many battles, is now in a museum.” With this aspect events can conspire to trigger old emotional wounds in need of healing. These wounds can be of an ancestral, cultural and familial nature and can appear as events that come back to haunt us. Mars is square Chiron indicating the need to overcome something such as limited perceptions or illusions about the past. Use Jupiter’s love of wisdom and knowledge to shed light on these areas and to awaken new perspectives.

Jupiter can have an excessive side and it is best to keep moderation in the picture and to watch the overuse of the conscious mind which can lead to mental exhaustion.

Keep intentions clear as this summer – the laws of attraction will be strengthened by planetary activity.

Sabian symbol references from Lynda Hill’s, 360 Degrees of Wisdom

Jupiter in Gemini

“Jupiter bestows the gift of perspective upon those who are ready for it. It makes conscious the previously unconscious models we’ve been using to confer meaning on things. These models frame our relationship with the big, wide world.” Jessica Murray

Jupiter is in Gemini now for another couple of weeks until it moves into Cancer on June 26. Gemini governs the thinking process and with Jupiter in that sign there is the opportunity to expand the lens through which we perceive reality. It can broaden our understanding, vision and horizons and make customary or habitual thought patterns feel limited and outdated.

Venus is now entering into the Pluto/Uranus square – feelings of scarcity- particularly involving love and abundance – can arise under this aspect. It is a good time to review progress made in confronting these types of issues and to harness the energy of the aspect to transform these areas. Look to innovative ideas and breakthroughs.

Jessica Murray is an author and astrologer and can be found on mothersky.com

Saturday’s New Moon in Gemini

Years ago when a group of friends and I would get together and talk about the future we used to joke about restaurants that would have psychic waitstaff – that there would be no need for words when ordering because their psychic powers would be so highly developed that they would know what you wanted without speaking. I was reminded of this yesterday when I was having lunch with a friend at a local cafe. When the chef brought out our lunch my friend pulled a sheet of paper out of her bag and said to the him, “Here is a recipe I copied down for you. I thought you might like to try it – it is for an organic chocolate cake which has beets and zucchini in it.”

Looking surprised he responded, “This is great thank you. Today is my wife’s birthday and when I asked her what kind of cake she would like me to make she said, ‘Something with beets in it.’ ”

Much of the evolutionary process going on individually as well as on the planet now has to do with integrating and implementing untapped powers of the mind and using synchronicity as a guide and for affirmation. As Saturday’s New Moon at 18 Gemini approaches it is a good time to heed intuitive knowing and to be aware of knowledge that comes in nonlinear ways. Mars is square Neptune at the time of the New Moon which is an indicator that integrating higher knowledge is a process that needs to be learned and tested over time rather than a once time occurrence. It will lead to more holistic perceptions.

Venus Aspects this Week

“Transformation comes from looking deeply within, to a state that exists before fear and isolation arise, the state in which we are inevitably whole just as we are.” Sharon Salzburg

This week’s Venus/Neptune/Saturn trine provides excellent timing to create an increased sense of harmony and equilibrium in our lives. It is a good time to acknowledge progress and growth. As Venus makes her trek into the Pluto/Uranus square pay attention to opportunities for breakthroughs which reveal a way forward from a sense of scarcity to one of increased appreciation and abundance.

Quote from Divine Sparks by Karen Speerstra