The Sun Enters Sagittarius

“Once the game is over the king and the pawn go back into the same box.” Italian proverb

The Sun recently entered Sagittarius and one of the Sabian symbols for this placement is, “Two men playing chess.” This symbol conjures up images of a specific use of the conscious mind involving the implementation of mental strategies for individual gain and individual victory. Some astrologers believe that the upcoming Winter Solstice holds great significance because it calls the end to an old age – the Age of Pisces – and signals the birth of a new one – the Age of Aquarius.The Age of Aquarius represents an important step in the evolution of humanity by encouraging us to unlock and use the vast powers of the mind in a more evolved way to create a holistic, cooperative, harmonious planet. There are no guarantees, of course that the evolution will happen automatically but indications are that our individual thoughts, hopes and visions for the future of humanity and the future of the world do play an important part.The Pluto/Uranus conjunction encourages us to challenge assumptions. Cooperation rather than competition is the Aquarian way.

Friends- I have gift certificates for readings for the holidays starting at $30. Please contact me if you have questions or would like more info.

Quotes from 360 Degrees of Wisdom by Lynda Hill

Amelia Shea has seen clients in her Astrology and Tarot practice since 1990. She can be reached at 603 654 1043, or or . Her readings start at $30.

Mars, Pluto and Uranus

“When you see yourself on a vicious cycle for goodness sakes stop peddling!” Swami Beyondananda*

The current Mars Pluto conjunction (in influence through Dec 8) has a compulsive side to it and is associated with the overuse of force. Many well known athletes have this influence in their charts and the involvement in competitive sports is an appropriate way to channel the energy. This time frame bodes very well for taking up delayed or postponed tasks that require physical strength and energy. It is also a good time to rethink the appropriate use of power.

Avoid rushing. Leave extra time when preparing to go out. Take extra care with driving as Uranian energy is key player as well – ramping up the tendency to impulsive, erratic and thus accident prone behavior.

Friends- I have gift certificates for readings for the holidays starting at $30. Please contact me if you have questions or would like more info.

*Quote from Spontaneous Evolution by Lipton and Bhaerman

Scorpio and Empwerment

“Power consists to a large extent in deciding what stories will be told.” Carolyn G. Heilbrun

Mercury is retrograde now in Scorpio joining the Sun, Saturn and the North Node. This notable configuration in the sign of Scorpio – with its laser like ability to penetrate and expose dark places and its legendary transformative powers – makes it a good time to revisit the roots of lost power .It bodes well to look at the stories we tell ourselves about our personal power and its lack in order to reconfigure a more authentic and empowered version.

Mars enters Capricorn

“In a shrinking world that can use a good shrink we don’t need another theory of evolution. What we need is the practice of evolution. ”*

Mars is in Capricorn now and entering the Pluto/Uranus square – the evolutionary sign of our times. Mars is known as the god of war and in our more enlightened times is sometimes referred to as a spiritual warrior – i.e. a person who uses his/her power and energy in the pursuit of a just, enlightened and nonviolent resolution to conflict. Tensions are likely to heat up now through early December. It’s is best to guard against impulsive actions yourself and on the part of others- especially when traveling. Avoid rushing. Use the abundant energy to work on overcoming obstacles, get plenty of exercise and look for sudden and unexpected breakthroughs.

from Spontaneous Evolution by Lipton and Bhareman

On Chiron, Neptune and Thanksgiving

Developing more awareness and compassion for the adversities of others and working to alleviate it in some small part as individuals is indicated by the spiritually orientated conjunction of Chiron and Neptune in influence now. Synchronicity can play a strong hand in events.

I have a friend who is from a large farm family and one of their traditions is that shortly before Thanksgiving they all attend a bingo fundraising event that benefits local families in need.

This year the family winnings included nine turkeys and four hams which they decided to donate to the Food Pantry. It was an odd hour (there was no room to store the turkeys and hams in anyone’s freezer after the event) and they were hoping someone would be at the food pantry when they arrived. They knocked and knocked and finally a tired, worried looking woman came to the door. She was quite surprised – caught off guard -when they told her about the nature of their visit and the contents in the back of their truck.

She said, “I was just about to leave to go to the supermarkets to beg for Thanksgiving turkeys for our families. We are nine turkeys short. We had a few families that wanted hams but I was just about to call and tell them they would have to have turkeys instead.”

After relaying the story to me my friend said, “I don’t really care that much about celebrating Thanksgiving but I am glad when I can do something productive.”

Eclipse at 21 Scorpio

“One cannot speak about mystery. One must be seized by it.” Rene Magritte

There are two eclipses this month – the first a Solar eclipse on Tuesday 11/13 EST at 21 degrees of Scorpio. Eclipses are doorways into the future and they open new evolutionary chapters in our lives. Scorpio is the sign of passion, of mystery and of deep knowing. Take a look at your chart to see where this powerful influence is occurring – it is this area of life which is up for transformation and evolution for you. For example if it is falling in the first house it concerns identity, in the seventh, relationships and in the eleventh, community and goals.

Friends -If you are interested in how the eclipses will be influencing your chart I am offering Eclipse Readings 1/2 hour ($60) or 1 hour ($120) Get in touch if you would like to book some time. I also have gift certificates for readings for the holidays starting at $30 and take MC/VISA and Paypal. Please contact me if you have questions or would like more info.

Mercury,Uranus and Innovation

“What is important, then, is not the cultivation of belief or disbelief, but to understand the process of the mind.” Jiddu Krishnamurti

Mercury stationed yesterday in a fiery trine to the planet of innovation and discovery, Uranus. Through mid month use this powerful alignment to revisit assumptions and beliefs – particularly those that might be based on an outdated model. Look to innovation now and inspired ideas rather than the tried and true.

quote from Divine Sparks by Linda Speerstra

The Magic of Thresholds

“People could see Artemis standing at the doorway… she helped people across thresholds.” Buffie Johnson*

We stand at a threshold now as Mercury slows down and prepares to station retrograde on Nov 6. At the time of the station Chiron, the asteroid of the wounded healer will be strong in the sky due to its close alignment with Neptune the planet of dreams and imagination. Chiron’s placement in a natal chart represents an area of life where an evolutionary journey of wounding and healing takes place. Often there can be a fragmented quality to the way we think about or perceive of that area of life. For the next several days pay attention to information that comes through an intuitive or inspired imaginative process that fills in the blanks in areas where your customary thought process can get stumped or discouraged. Pay particular attention to images that create a sense of joy or images which could represent an important piece on the map of a seeker’s journey

*Quote from Lady of the Beasts

Mercury Stations Retrograde

A wise old owl sat in an oak:
The more he saw the less he spoke;
The less he spoke the more he heard;
Why aren’t we like that wise old bird?”*
Edward Hershey Richards

Mercury stations retrograde Tuesday November 6 at 6:04 pm at 4 degrees of Sagittarius. One of the Sabian symbols associated with this degree is, “An old owl perched up in a tree.”* Throughout time owls have symbolized wisdom or the ability to see in the dark. The goddess Athena is often depicted with an owl on her shoulder – to remind her of what she could not see. Mercury retrograde periods bode well for reflection and review – in order to start refreshed and revitalized when Mercury stations and moves direct – this month on November 26.
It is a good time to inform our decisions from a deeper level of wisdom.

*Sabian symbol reference from 360 Degrees of Wisdom by Lynda Hill

November ’12 Astrology

“It is a wise man who rules the stars, and a fool who is ruled by them.” -Darryl Martini,

The mists of Neptune will be with us much of the month – it is as if the Sea God has waved his trident and covered the land with fog. The month begins under the influence of Mercury square Neptune which can create confusion with linear thinking and communication. On the 6th, Election Day in the US Mercury stations retrograde. Use the early part of the month to entertain creative and inspired ideas about your life. Be pragmatic about creating a path for them after the 17th. Make an extra effort to keep communication clear throughout the entire month.

On the 1st Venus in early Libra is entering into the Pluto/Uranus square. If you have been striving to improve areas of your life related to love, finances, self worth and self esteem this is a time to acknowledge progress and commit or recommit to aspirations in these realms. It is time when old oppressive dynamics can be seen as dust in the rear view mirror.

For the second time in American history Mercury will station retrograde on Election Day November 6. The only time this has happened before in US history was in 2000 -on the day of the Bush/Gore election. Mercury retrograde can bring challenges related to machinery and communication (many of the voting booths along the east coast will be relocated on short notice due to the storm and many people in those areas have relocated for example.) It is likely that there will be confusion in determining the accuracy of the vote count and contested results. The outcome may remain uncertain for awhile as we saw in 2000.

One of the reasons wise rulers of old had astrologers as advisers was to be informed about making plans in accordance to cosmic rhythms. Astrologically it would be inadvisable to hold an election on the day of a Mercury station (again.)

If possible make any necessary repairs to machinery/electronics before the 6th. Make sure devices are backed up before that time as well.

Neptune stations direct on the 11th at 0 Pisces.

There is a Solar Eclipse on November 13 at 21 degrees of Scorpio. Check the houses of your chart to see where this eclipse falls – this is the area of life which is undergoing a transformational evolutionary process. It is a good idea to be in tune with it.

Mars enters Capricorn – the sign of the worker and planner on the 16th and moves up to a powerful aspect to Pluto. Use this pragmatic, highly energized influence for organization and planning. Be innovative.

Guard against impulsive behavior through the end of the month.

Mercury will station direct on the 26th followed by the Lunar eclipse is the 28th at 6 degrees of Gemini. Eclipses are evolutionary in nature and their impact can be felt before and after the event.

Use the creative energy in the beginning of the month to expand your goals and visions and move forward with them after the 26th. Clear focused attention and intention will have the support of the universe.