Mars Conjuncts Pluto

“Power consists to a large extent in deciding what stories will be told.” Carolyn G. Heilbrun

Mars in Capricorn is moving up to a conjunction with Pluto and this aspect will be in effect from 11/4 through 11/18. The conjunction occurs at 11 degrees – the same degree as Pluto/Uranus conjunction on May 20, 2013.

This represents another threshold time – another gateway of evolutionary potential in the areas of transformation you are attempting to manifest in your life. Check your chart to see where Pluto is transiting for more information about what areas of life or being impacted for you.

Use this energy concretely to work on your path forward through clarity of vision and purpose and applying necessary pragmatic steps.

We are living in transformative times – both personally and globally. It is best under this aspect to commit to the path of moderation in speech and action as Mars and Pluto are both associated with warlike behavior.
The energy is best directed to projects that require energy and organization

There is always a compulsive component to Pluto’s influence so watch for overdoing and do take care when driving and moving about as there is a more of a tendency for accident prone behavior.

Amelia Shea specializes in issues of family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career.She can be reached at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person. Quote from Writing a Woman’s Life.

Mars In Capricorn

Over the weekend Mars entered Capricorn one of the signs ruled by Saturn. This is a good placement for Mars and – in addition to Mercury now moving direct – will help considerably with moving plans and projects forward. It is best to plan for the long term and proceed with discipline, perseverance and persistence.
Noted author, educator and astrologer Caroline Casey has observed, “Saturn lays the tracks for the Reality Train to follow.”

Mercury Stations Direct

Mercury will station direct Saturday at 3:17 pm EDT at 16 Libra. This is a time when things that have been stuck can start to move forward again – particularly in terms of communications, making connections and making progress with relationship issues.
Plans and projects can benefit from fresh thinking and new approaches.
It is a good time to work on mending relationships in need of repair through a conciliatory, diplomatic process. One of the Sabian symbols associated with the station is.”After the storms of winter, a boat landing stands in need of reconstruction.”

Amelia Shea specializes in issues of family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career.She can be reached at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person. Quote from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom

Solar eclipse at 0 Scorpio

“Once you have seen the larger pattern, you cannot go back to seeing the part as the whole.” Ursula K. Le Guin

Shortly before Thursday’s eclipse (at 5:57 pm EDT) the Sun, Venus and the Moon move from the sign of Libra into the sign of Scorpio. It is a good time to set intentions to move in a direction of increased wholeness – to move away from false definitions of self that may have been created to accommodate others or as the result of pressures from the outside world.
Eclipses are evolutionary doorways and this one provides a good opportunity to connect your deep inner knowing with the outside world in a more authentic way.

Amelia Shea specializes in issues of family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career.She can be reached at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person. Quote from Four Ways to Forgiveness.

Mercury Retrograde in Libra

“The Pueblo Indians told me that all Americans are crazy, and of course I was astonished and asked them why. They said,” Well they say they think in their heads. No sound person thinks in her head. We think in the heart.” Carl Jung

During his retrograde journey this month Mercury traverses very early Scorpio and the late degrees of Libra. Although Mercury retrograde periods are often referred to as a hassle or disruptive in terms of linear time, these time frames hold valuable information as well. It is an opportunity for a retreat of the mind in a sense – to review and revision the ways you have thought about things – particularly things related to the house or houses that Mercury is retrograding through.
With other very powerful planetary aspects now in play it is possible to get the the roots of foundational thoughts which when examined in the light of day are found to no longer be accurate. Yet when unacknowledged, these thoughts can continue to motivate behaviors and keep you stuck in an old pattern.
So do take some time to look at the houses in your chart that Mercury is now moving through to see what opportunities may lie ahead with a shift in your thinking.

Amelia Shea specializes in issues of family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career.She can be reached at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person. Carl Jung quote from The Collected Works of C.G. Jung

“And all the obstacles along the way
Sometimes may feel tremendous
There are guides and spirits all along the way
Who will befriend us.” Van Morrison

The upcoming Lunar Eclipse occurs on October 8 at 15 degrees of Aries. It is a very powerful doorway for identity as the eclipse falls across the axis of self and others. It is a good time to clarify who you are in the present and where you are going in your life. It is also a good time to acknowledge and let go of any outgrown or limited definitions of yourself – including those given to you by others.

Venus is conjunct the Sun on the Ascendant indicating that it is wise to love and support who you are in the present. With the Moon conjunct Uranus on the Descendant it is time to let go of the past and the way others have defined you and move in a more powerful direction of self actualization, freedom and autonomy.

One of the Sabian symbols for this placement is,” Brightly clad brownies dancing in the warm dying light.” Brownies – who are often referred to as elementals or nature spirits – have existed throughout time in many cultures. They were known to be friendly and helpful to humans particularly with household tasks. Brownies had to be asked for help however. It is a reminder that help and assistance is always available to us from invisible realms if we are open to it.

Van Morrison quote from his song Checkin it Out, Sabian symbol quote from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom.

Mercury Stations Retrograde October 4

“Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.” Chinese proverb

The upcoming Mercury retrograde period runs from October 4 – October 25.
It is wise to make any needed repairs and back up any info now in preparation for the retrograde period.
There will be two eclipses during this time – a Lunar eclipse at 15 Aries on
October 8 and a Solar Eclipse at 0 Scorpio on October 23. The effect of eclipses can be felt in advance as well as after the actual event. Check your chart to see where these two eclipses are falling – it is here that change and evolution is underway in your life.
Mercury will station retrograde at 2 degrees of Scorpio and one of the Sabian symbols associated with that placement is, “A youth holding a lighted candle in a devotional ritual gains a sense of the great ‘other world.'”

all quotes from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom

New Moon in Libra

“Who looks outside dreams, who looks inside, wakes.” Jung

Wednesday’s New Moon at 1 degree of Libra is full of opportunity for fresh starts, new beginnings and personal expansion.
Isabelle Hickey once noted that while Libras often are involved in the diplomacy that ends wars, they are often involved in starting the wars as well.
Everyone has the sign of Libra somewhere in their chart and we all deal with this kind of dynamic – inner and outer warring and resolution or lack of it in one form or another.
This New Moon is a good opportunity to reconfigure and evolve that balance. It is a good time to focus on creating a new level of inner harmony which then informs your relationship to the outer world in a positive way.
It is a good time to be open to new visions and opportunities for expansion in your life. and to set intentions to face and overcome challenges.
One of the Sabian symbols involved with this placement is, ” A woman drawing aside two dark curtains that closed the entrance to a sacred pathway.” It bodes well to sidestep beliefs from the outer world (the news, outgrown views from education, upbringing, religious beliefs) that limit your possibilities for positive change and evolution and to be in touch with your deep inner knowing.

Amelia Shea specializes in issues of family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career.She can be reached at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person. Sabian symbol quote from 360 Degrees of Wisdom by Lynda Hill.
Jung quote from Jung and the Tarot by Sallie Nichols

Jupiter trines Uranus in Fire

“The main operating principle of linear time is causality, or cause and effect, which is the basis of modern science. Ancient shamanic systems teach that the chance occurrence of events, such as how people happen to run into each other serendipitously, is just a significant as the cause, or why those two people two people were in the same place at the same time. Synchronicity is more interested in the purpose and meaning of an event rather than in its cause.” Alberto Villoldo

The beneficent aspect between Uranus and Jupiter is in effect through the end of September. It is a good time to heighten awareness to synchronicities that occur and to heed the information that comes as a result. It is a time when stuck situations may find resolution through surprising sources and encounters.

Synchronicity beckons us to awaken to the magic of life that is ever present it we are open to it.